Industry Night 2023

Industry Night 2023

Date: 20 September 2023, Wednesday
Time: 3.30PM to 8.30PM 
Venue: SUTD Campus Centre

Showcase and Networking Opportunities for Industry Partners and Students

The SUTD Industry Night is one of SUTD Career Development Centre’s annual flagship events.

New industry partners will get to experience how and why SUTD’s multi-disciplinary learning approach shapes students to be creative and in demand across different industries for talent selection. It is also THE platform for SUTD students to connect with company business leaders across multiple industries and discuss areas of interest in their intended career pursuits. 

The event will round up with a networking session – an excellent opportunity for companies to establish your presence and branding to attract and line up potential talents for future recruitment events; and for students to speak with employers from a vast variety of industries and make informed decisions on internship and graduate opportunities.

Employers who had attended our past Industry Nights have shared that they learned more about our students, in terms of their deliverables and capabilities towards the organisations. Students have also found that it was a meaningful and fulfilling experience to engage and connect with a variety of employers from a mix of industries. View our highlights video below or find out more about the previous Industry Night 2022.

This year, we invited our Term 3, Term 7, M.Arch, Master’s and post-graduate students, who impressed the employers with their presence and enthusiasm. We saw a total of 386 students and 58 companies who turned up for the event held at the Campus Centre. Industry partners who were new to SUTD, were brought on a tour of our internal facilities, hosted by various SUTD departments and Pillars. The employers gave positive feedback on the Welcome Speech which gave a good introduction and overview on SUTD’s school culture, pedagogy, hands-on curriculum and learning experience that our students go through. The industry partners were also impressed with our students, having interacted with them during the networking session.

Industry Night 2023 was a fabulous success with the help and assistance of volunteers from various departments. It provided valuable insights and meaningful exchanges between employers and students.