Submission Review
Review Process

Screening Guidelines
- Is the topic related to Cyber-Physical Learning in Higher Education/Adult Learning?
- Does the submission meet the appropriate Submission Guidelines (for the various formats such as Slides/Audios/Podcasts/Videos/Animations)
- Have the authors included acknowledgment of use/no use of Generative AIs in their submissions?
- Have the authors obtained permission for the use of copyrighted images/figures/tables/data used in their submissions?
Review Guidelines
Review Guidelines – Unit 1
- Is the submission innovative?
- Are the objectives and/or research questions clearly stated and relevant for Cyber-Physical Learning in higher education/adult learning?
- Is the presentation engaging?
- Does the work have the potential to advance Cyber-Physical Learning knowledge?
Provide the context and aims of your innovation project. Share your teaching experience and observations related to your project using descriptive language and storytelling techniques to engage readers. Reflect also on the potential significance and impact of your project.
Review Guidelines – Unit 2
Review Guidelines – Unit 3
Review Guidelines – Unit 4
- Are the insights and implications of the final results presented clearly and connected to the original research questions/study objectives?
- Does the author summarise the main findings and present novel insights and significance?
- Does the author clearly discuss the implications, limitations and future directions of the study?
- Does the author describe how the results can be applied in day-to-day teaching and learning settings to improve cyber-physical learning?
Discuss the final results, findings, and highlight new insights and implications. Summarise the main findings, novel insights and their significance in addressing the study problem. Discuss also the significance, implications, limitations, and future directions of the study. Describe how the results can be applied in day-to-day teaching and learning settings to improve cyber-physical learning.