Drone Technologies Track programme schedule

Day Time Programme Venue Instructors
(Day 1)
8.15am Registration Albert Hong Lecture Theatre (LT1)
9.00am Opening Speech
By Prof Chong Tow Chong
President, Singapore University of Technology and Design
Albert Hong Lecture Theatre (LT1)
9.10am Welcome Speech
By Dr. Hang Kim Hoo
STEM Programme Manager, CPDD, MOE
Albert Hong Lecture Theatre (LT1)
9.20am Keynote Speech – “Future of Robotics”
By Mr. Kashyap Chandrasekar
Director of Upstream Robotics, Dyson
Albert Hong Lecture Theatre (LT1)
9.45am Q & A
By Mr. Kashyap Chandrasekar
Director of Upstream Robotics, Dyson
Albert Hong Lecture Theatre (LT1)
9.50am Drone Technologies:
Students walk back to Cohort Classroom 14 & Cohort Classroom 16.
10.00am Workshop – Humanities Session
A design brief is introduced containing an opportunity statement, workshop narrative, deliverables, rubrics, and metrics, for students to address the socio-historical and cultural context of the programme narrative within the realms of equity and empathetic design.
Cohort Classroom 14
Cohort Classroom 16
Assoc. Prof. Lyle Fearnley
Asst. Prof. Setsuko Yokohama
12.30pm Lunch Break (1hr)
1.30pm Workshop – Design Thinking Session
Students are introduced to the Double Diamond design thinking framework and tools, such as, affinity matrix, storyboard, morphological matrix and c-sketch to ideate and generate potential solutions.
Dyson-SUTD Innovation Studios Dr. Franklin Anariba
4.30pm End of Day 1
(Day 2)
9.00am Students’ Arrival Cohort Classroom 14
9.30am Workshop – Physical World of Drones
Students learn about the forces and torques that control the flight behaviour and dynamics of a quadrotor drone, and how to control the balance of these forces to make the drone fly in the air.
Cohort Classroom 14
Multi-Purpose Hall
Assoc. Prof. Foong Shaohui
Dr. Cheah Chin Wei
12.00pm Lunch Break (1hr)
1.00pm Talk – “Design Thinking and Innovation at Dyson”
By Mr. Sean Sabastian
Manager, Robotics Research, Dyson
Albert Hong Lecture Theatre (LT1)
1.40pm Q & A
By Mr. Sean Sabastian
Manager, Robotics Research, Dyson
Albert Hong Lecture Theatre (LT1)
2.00pm Workshop – Coding World of Drones
Once the students have mastered manual piloting of the drone, the next step is to program the drone to fly autonomously using visual block programming (VBP).
Multi-Purpose Hall Assoc. Prof. Foong Shaohui
4.30pm End of Day 2
(Day 3)
9.00am Students’ Arrival Dyson-SUTD Innovation Studios
9.30am Workshop – Space-age Fabrication Technologies
Students are trained in computer-aided design (CAD) using Automaker Fusion360 software and Ultimaker Cura software to aid them in 3D printing.
Dyson-SUTD Innovation Studios Dr. Lee Chee Huei
Dr. Chandrima Chatterjee
12.00pm Lunch Break (1.5hr)
1.30pm SHARP Talk
SHARP is SUTD’s premium research programme for highly talented students with great passion and determination for outstanding research. Discover more about this special programme from this talk.
Albert Hong Lecture Theatre (LT1) Assoc. Prof. Dario Poletti (SMT), SHARP Director
2.00pm Workshop – Makers Space
Campus tour of Fabrication Lab (Fab Lab), SUTD Library, and Digital Manufacturing and Design Centre (DManD).
Dyson-SUTD Innovation Studios Dr. Lee Chee Huei
Dr. Chandrima Chatterjee
4.30pm End of Day 3
(Day 4)
9.00am Students’ Arrival Cohort Classroom 14
Cohort Classroom 16
9.30am Workshop – Math and Analysis of Drones
Following the lessons on piloting a drone using VBP, the students learn how to design the route of the drones by re-casting the problem as a modelling problem, such as the Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP).
Cohort Classroom 14
Cohort Classroom 16
Dr. Shubhakar Kalya
Dr. Wong Wei Pin
12.00pm Lunch Break (1hr)
1.00pm SUTD Admissions & Pillar Showcase Albert Hong Lecture Theatre (LT1)
2.00pm Workshop – Self Immersion
Preparation for the Storyboard Pitching and Design Challenge competition. Students apply competencies learned on socio-historical contextual analysis, 3D printing, mathematical modelling, storyboarding, and drone programming and piloting.
Cohort Classroom 14
Cohort Classroom 16
Multi-Purpose Hall
Dyson-SUTD Innovation Studios
4.30pm End of Day 4
(Day 5)
9.00am Students’ Arrival Cohort Classroom 14
Cohort Classroom 16
9.30am Workshop – Final Test Run
Student teams make final preparations for the Storyboard Pitching and Design Challenge.
Cohort Classroom 14
Cohort Classroom 16
Multi-Purpose Hall
Dyson-SUTD Innovation Studios
All Faculty
12.00pm Lunch Break (1hr)
1.00pm SUTD Pillar Discovery & Campus Tour ASD Studio 2
2.00pm Competition – Storyboard Pitching and Design Challenge
Startup company projects (student teams) consolidate all competencies learnt during the previous 4.5 days into a coherent socio-historical-cultural storyboard 3-min pitch challenge and drone programming and piloting challenge.
Multi-Purpose Hall
Dyson-SUTD Innovation Studios
4.00pm Transition Albert Hong Lecture Theatre (LT1)
4.30pm Closing Ceremony
Game of Chance, prize presentation, closing comments and photo taking of winning teams.
Albert Hong Lecture Theatre (LT1)
5.30pm End of Day 5