Some green and sustainable facilities under the Tampines MRT Viaduct have been completed

21 Nov 2022

Some green and sustainable facilities under the Tampines MRT Viaduct have been completed

21 Nov 2022

Lianhe Zaobao, 21 Nov 2022, 一些有绿化和环保作用 淡滨尼地铁高架桥下空间八设施竣工(summarised translation)
Enhancements to the park connector under the MRT viaduct stretching from Tampines Town Centre to PIE Expressway have been completed after two years of planning. Residents, pedestrians and cyclists can now enjoy the new amenities, such as parks, fitness corners and adventure playgrounds.
The Tampines Town Council have also collaborated with Singapore University of Technology and Design’s Lee Kuan Yew Centre for Innovative Cities to understand how neighbourhood-built environment can support the walking needs of residents in Tampines town. The study will be completed in March next year.