Ang Yee Sin

ANG Yee Sin

Assistant Professor

Nanoscale Device Physics



Dr Ang Yee Sin is an Assistant Professor at the Science, Mathematics and Technology (SMT) Cluster. He obtained a Bachelor of Medical and Radiation Physics (2010) and a PhD in theoretical condensed matter physics (2014) from the University of Wollongong, Australia. He is the Alumni of 69th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting (Germany 2019). His research focuses on the physics and design of nanoscale devices for future energy-efficient computer and renewable energy technology. His research interests include the computational modelling of 2D materials and heterostructures, metal contacts to 2D semiconductor, beyond CMOS electronics, charge injection and transport physics in nanomaterials and light-matter interactions. He has published over 60 research articles, including Nature CommunicationsPhysical Review Letters, Advanced Materials, InfoMatPhysical Review Applied, Physical Review B, Applied Physics Letters, and MRS Bulletin. His research works have received multiple awards including Faculty Best Thesis Prize (Australia 2015), IPS Meeting Outstanding Poster Award (Singapore 2016), SUTD FIRST Industry Workshop: First Prize Winner (Singapore 2017), SUTD Research Fest: Runner-Up Prize (Singapore 2019).

Yee Sin enjoys long walks and is an avid collector of classical music recordings.

  • PhD (Condensed matter physics theory), University of Wollongong (Australia)
  • Bachelor of Medical and Radiation Physics (Hon), University of Wollongong (Australia)
Research Interests

My research interest focuses on the application aspects of condensed matter and quantum materials. My current research works cover a broad spectrum of applied and device physics:

  • First-principle modeling of metal contact to 2D semiconductors
  • Charge injection physics in low-dimensional and topological material interfaces
  • Computational design of ultrascaled sub-10-nm transistors based on 2D semiconductor
  • New concepts of beyond CMOS computing electronics: Valleytronics and spintronics
  • Light-matter interactions of 2D heterostructures and topological materials
  • Computational design of GHz/THz photonics for 5G and beyond
  • Topoletrical circuits: Circuit design and experiments (in collaboration with Prof. Lee Ching Hua, NUS)

Multiple Postdoctoral Research Fellow positions are available. Contact:

Selected Publications

View full publication list at Google Scholar site.

  1. Y. S. Ang, Y. Chen, L. K. Ang, “Generalized high-energy thermionic electron injection at graphene interface”,Phys. Rev. Appl.12, 014057 (2019).
  2. Y. S. Ang, H. Y. Yang, and L. K. Ang, “Universal scaling laws in Schottky heterostructures based on two-dimensional materials”,Phys. Rev. Lett.121, 056802 (2018) – highlighted as“Editors’ Suggestion”and“Featured in Physics”.
  3. Y. S. Ang, S. A. Yang, C. Zhang, Z. Ma, L. K. Ang, “Valleytronics in merging Dirac cones: all-electric filter, valve and universal reversible logic gate”,Phys. Rev. B,96, 245410 (2017) – selected as“Kaleidoscope”
  4. Y. S. Ang, S.-J. Liang, and L. K. Ang, “Theoretical modelling of electron emission from graphene”,MRS Bulletin42, 505 (2017).
  5. Y. S. Ang, M. Zubair, and L. K. Ang, “Relativistic space-charge-limited current for massive Dirac fermions”,Phys. Rev. B95, 165409 (2017).
  6. Y. S. Angand L. K. Ang, “Current-temperature scaling for a Schottky interface with nonparabolic energy dispersion”,Phys. Rev. Appl.6, 034013 (2016).
  7. Y. S. Ang, L. K. Ang, Z. Ma, and C. Zhang, “Nonlocal transistor based on pure crossed Andreev reflection in a EuO-graphene/superconductor hybrid structure”,Phys. Rev. B93, 041422(R) (2016).
  8. M. Sanderson,Y. S. Ang, and C. Zhang, “Klein tunnelling and cone transport in AA-stacked bilayer graphene”,Phys. Rev. B88, 24, 245404 (2013).
  9. Y. S. Ang, S. Sultan and C. Zhang, “Nonlinear optical spectrum of bilayer graphene in the terahertz regime”,Appl. Phys. Lett.97, 243110 (2010).
Awards & Honours
  • Lindau Alumni at the 69thLindau Nobel Laureate Meeting 2019 (Germany, 2019), nominated by the Singapore National Research Foundation (NRF)
  • Participant of Global Young Scientist Summit 2019 (Singapore, 2019), representing SUTD
  • SUTD Postdoc Research Fest: Runner-Up Prize (Singapore, 2019)
  • Publon Peer Review Award – Top 1% reviewers (USA, 2018)
  • First Place Winner, SUTD FIRST Industry Workshop (Singapore, 2017)
  • Outstanding Poster Award, Institute of Physics Singapore (IPS) Meeting (Singapore, 2016)
  • Faculty Best Postgraduate Thesis Price, Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences, University of Wollongong, (Australia, 2015)
  • Thesis Examiners’ Commendation of Outstanding Thesis, University of Wollongong (Australia, 2014)
  • Postgraduate Student Best Paper Award, Institute of Superconducting and Electronic Materials (ISEM), University of Wollongong (Australia, 2011)
  • Physics Discipline Prize – Best overall performance in Physics subjects, University of Wollongong (Australia, 2007-2010)
  • Faculty of Engineering Dean’s Merit List, Faculty of Engineering, University of Wollongong (Australia, 2007-2010)