Bernard Ee

EE Bernard

Senior Lecturer

Nonlinear Dynamics, Synchronization

Technology and Design


I was born in Singapore and consider myself blessed to have worked at numerous academic institutions in different countries in Saudi Arabia (King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals), China (Xian Jiaotong Liverpool University), Hong Kong (City University of Hong Kong), Israel (Tel Aviv University and Technion-Israel Institute of Technology) and the United Kingdom (Imperial College London).

As an applied mathematician, I am very interested to see how mathematics and statistics can be utilized in various contexts. As such, I tend to focus more on how the resulting mathematical insights can lead to a better understanding of the topics being studied rather than the mathematical elegance itself (though interesting by themselves).

Such an approach has resulted in my never-ending quest to better understand the world around me through mathematics. This is the reason why I love being in a university where I not only get the opportunity to share my knowledge and experience but to learn from colleagues and students.

  • PhD, Applied and Computational Mathematics, Monash University
  • MSc, Mathematics, Massey University
  • BSc, Applied Mathematics, Simon Fraser University