Bong Eng Ying

BONG Eng Ying


Chemistry Mass Transfer



Eng Ying obtained her bachelor degree in Chemical Engineering from RMIT University, Australia. She continued to pursue her doctorate, where her dissertation focused on solid-liquid mass transfer in an adsorption operation using high concentration slurries in collaboration with CSIRO (the federal research body in Australia). The aim of the work is to achieve process intensification in solid-liquid mass transfer vessels both in terms of mass transfer rate and energy input which has many industrial implications, especially in mineral processing operations. She joined the SUTD family straight after completion of her PhD in 2013.

Eng Ying primarily teaches Freshmore subjects, including Natural World, Introduction to Physical Chemistry and Engineering in Physical World. She developed e-learning videos with the aim of instilling fundamental masteries in Chemistry for students commencing studies in SUTD. She hopes to investigate the effectiveness of digital learning using various digital tools in education.

Education Background
  • Ph.D Chemical Engineering, RMIT University, Australia (2013)
  • B.A Chemical Engineering, RMIT University, Australia (2009)
Awards & Achievements
  • Best Poster Award at Chemeca Conference, New Zealand (2012)
Key Publications
  • Bong, E.Y., Eshtiaghi, N., Wu, Jie., Parthasarathy, R., 2015. Optimum solids concentration for solids suspension and solid-liquid mass transfer in agitated vessels. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 100. 148 -156.
  • Wang, S., Wu, J., Bong, E.Y., 2013. Reduced IMRs in a mixing tank via agitation improvement. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 91. 1009 – 1017.
  • Wang, S., Parthasarathy, R., Bong, E.Y., Wu, J., Slatter, P., 2012. Suspension of ultrahigh concentration solids in an agitated vessel.AIChE Journal 58, 1291 – 1298.
  • Bong, E.Y., Eshtiaghi, N., Wu, Jie., Parthasarathy, R., 2012. Effect of baffling condition on solid-liquid mass transfer coefficient in high solid concentration mixing. Chemeca, New Zealand, paper no.255.
  • Bong, E.Y., Eshtiaghi, N., Wu, Jie., Parthasarathy, R., Solid-liquid mass transfer in agitated slurries with high solid concentration. North America Mixing Forum 23 conference, Mexico.
  • Bong, E.Y., Eshtiaghi, N., Wu, Jie., Parthasarathy, R., 2011. Solid-liquid effects on solid-liquid mass transfer in an agitated vessel. International Symposium on Mixing in Industrial Processes 7, Beijing, China.