KHOO Xiaojuan

Adjunct Senior Lecturer

Biomedical Engineering, Healthcare

+65 6499 4846
Bio-Medical Engineering


Xiaojuan obtained her Ph.D. in biomedical engineering from Boston University, where she developed novel peptide-based coatings for rapid modification of biomaterial surfaces for orthopedic implant applications. She then moved to MIT to pursue her postdoctoral research under the supervision of Dr. Daniel Kohane and Dr. Robert Langer. There, she was involved in the development of antibiotic-releasing hydrogels for the trans-tympanic treatment of middle ear infections.

Xiaojuan’s research background spans the areas of surface engineering and biomaterial development. Her research utilizes numerous surface analytical methods such as atomic force microscopy (AFM) and quartz crystal microbalance (QCM-D) to study the physical, biochemical, and assembly properties of thin polymer-based films and coatings, and the nature of their interactions with biological molecules and cells.

Xiaojuan is keenly passionate about educational outreach. As an NSF GK-12 Fellow, Xiaojuan taught biology at Fenway High School , and developed a series of laboratory activities and science fair modules to support the existing curriculum. She co-designed the BIOBUGS Outbreak! module, which aims to bring scenario-based learning in microbiology and infectious disease control to schools in the Greater Boston area. Xiaojuan was closely involved in the development of Concept Vignettes at MIT’s Teaching and Learning Laboratory (TLL) for use at SUTD. Concept Vignettes are short educational videos designed to help students to learn a key concept in Science or Engineering.

Education Background
  • PhD Biomedical Engineering, Boston University, USA, 2010
  • BSc Bioengineering, University of California, Berkeley, USA, 2003
Research Interests
  • Biomaterials for drug delivery
  • Anti-fouling surface modification
  • Surface characterization and analysis
  • Cell and tissue engineering
Selected Publications
  • Blom, J.; Seliga, A.M.; Khoo, X.; Walker, M.L.; Rycroft, N. “Outbreak!: Scenario-based Instruction in Microbiology.” Proceedings of the Association for Biology Laboratory Education 2013 34: 5-25
  • Mizrahi, B.*;Khoo, X.*; Chiang, H.H.; Sher, K.J.; Feldman, R.G.; Irusta, S.; Langer, R.; Kohane, D.S. “Long-lasting antifouling coating from multi-armed polymer.” Langmuir 2013 29: 10087–10094 (*Co-first)
  • Khoo, X.*; Simons, E.J.*; Chiang, H.H.; Hickey, J.M.; Sabharwal, V.; Pelton, S.I.; Rosowski, J.J, Langer, R..; Kohane, D.S. “Formulations for Trans-Tympanic Antibiotic Delivery.” Biomaterials 2013 34:1281-1288 (*Co-first)
  • Khoo, X.; Grinstaff, M.W. “Novel Infection-Resistant Surface Coatings: A Bioengineering Approach.” MRS Bulletin 2011 36: 357-366
  • Khoo X., O’Toole G.; Snyder, B.D.; Kenan, D.J.; Grinstaff, M.W. “Staphylococcus aureus resistance on titanium coated with multivalent PEGylated-peptides.” Biomaterials 2010 31:9285-9292
  • Khoo, X.; Hamilton P.; O’Toole, G.; Snyder, B.D.; Kenan, D.J.; Grinstaff, M.W. “Directed Assembly of PEGylated-Peptide Coatings for Infection-resistant Titanium Metal.” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2009 131: 10992–10997