Michele Sodano is a Ph.D. student in Architecture and Sustainable Design pillar at the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD), advised by Assist. Prof. Immanuel Koh. He earned his MSc degree in Building Engineering at Politecnico di Milano, Italy, in 2017, with a thesis on renewable air-conditioning systems and thermal behavior of St. Mary’s Lacor Hospital operating theatres (Uganda), developed in collaboration with the Teasdale-Corti Foundation.
Interested in building technologies and innovations, into a sustainable and performative perspective, Michele is currently investigating on challenges and tools to automatize the generation of design alternatives and help the early design decision-making stage to aim an overall building performance optimization. It includes current evolving technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence, Generative Design, Meta-Parametric design and Computational optimization methods applied to solve complex design problems.
Selected Publications
- “Fabrication of Topology Optimized Concrete Components Utilizing 3D Printed Clay Mould”. Wang, Sihan; Huang, Kunsheng; Huang, Zixun; Sodano, Michele; Xu, Weishun; Raspall, Felix. IASS 2019 Symposium: Advanced Manufacturing and Non-conventional Materials, pp. 1-7(7), Barcelona-Spain, October 2019