Mr Lim Kang Song

Mr LIM Kang Song

Chairman, Proxtera Pte Ltd

Lim Kang Song has over 28 years of experience across sales, operations, planning, alliances, and general management in the technology sector. He is a skilled collaborator and strategic advisor to general management with significant exposure in the digital economy.

He spent eleven years at Oracle Corporation. In 2014, he spearheaded operations of Oracle Singapore across all products and solutions; focusing on top customers, government relationship, cross line of business (LOB) collaboration and large multi-LOB opportunities to drive growth. Prior to that at Oracle Corporation Asia Pacific, he was the Vice President, Strategic Alliances and involved in transforming engagement and collaboration from deal-based tactical interactions to repeatable and programmatic go-to-market model.

Previously, he was the Acting Managing Director, Japan & Korea and Senior Director, Channels/Alliances & Sales Operations at Hyperion Solutions Asia Pacific. And prior to that, he was the Chief Operating Officer and Chief Executive Officer of 3rd Frontier Solutions, in charge of all aspects of business except finance and administration. 

He is the Advisory Board Member of the Nanyang Business School.  He is the Co-Chair for the ICT sector & Governing Council Member at Technology Skills Accelerator (TeSA).