Nilanjan Raghunath


Assistant Professor


+65 6499 4584
Social Sciences


I am an Assistant Professor specializing in the Sociology of Work and Organizations, with a particular focus on the intersection of Science, Technology, and Society. During the 2023-2024 academic year, I was honored to serve as a Fulbright Scholar at Columbia University. My research delves into the transformative effects of automation and technological innovation on individuals and institutional frameworks. Through an intersectional lens, I explore critical themes such as the Future of Work, Employability, Proactive Governance, Technological Adoption, Digital Credibility, the Millennial and Gen Z Workforce, Social Mobility, Disruptive Innovation, Skilled Migration, and the impact of Algorithms on Trust and Credibility in the age of Big Data and Generative AI.


My scholarly endeavors are characterized by the integration of disciplinary, interdisciplinary, and transdisciplinary methodologies, aimed at addressing complex societal issues by synthesizing insights from human behavior, design thinking, and beyond. This approach has yielded groundbreaking research on the future of work, the drivers of innovation, and the mechanisms of creativity. My contributions have been recognized in numerous high-ranking academic journals and books. Additionally, I have shared my insights with a broader audience through consultancy projects and esteemed media outlets such as Bloomberg, Channel News Asia, and The Straits Times.


Dedicated to exploring the intersections of technology, society, and the economy, I strive to contribute nuanced perspectives and innovative solutions to navigate the challenges and opportunities of today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape.


As an Assistant Professor, I am committed to integrating my teaching with ongoing research and innovation. My academic responsibilities include teaching a variety of sociology courses, mentoring doctoral candidates, and contributing scholarly articles to pedagogical journals. I am currently leading a project that pioneers augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) technologies in collaboration with a dedicated team, with the goal of creating novel collaborative experiences for students and enhancing their learning through immersive environments. This initiative underscores my commitment to not only educate but also to shape the future of educational methodologies through technological advancements.


My academic engagement extends beyond research and teaching to include a wide array of service roles within the university and the professional community. I actively contribute to faculty development programs and serve on the institutional review board, ensuring the ethical standards of our academic endeavors.


Additionally, I serve as a journal reviewer for esteemed publications such as the American Sociological Review and Big Data and Society, and hold an editorial position at Nature: Humanities and Social Sciences Communication, allowing me to shape and uphold the quality of scholarly communication. I am also proud to serve as an alumni mentor for a program led by the US Embassy in Singapore, guiding  youth aspiring to become professionals.

Visiting Scholar Appointments and Fellowships


2021 Visiting Scholar, Department of Sociology, Columbia University
2023 Fellow, Social Mobility Foundation, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, NUS
2022 Visiting Scholar, Department of Sociology, University of Cambridge
2018 Visiting Scholar and Affiliate, COMPAS, Department of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography, University of Oxford
2016-2017 Visiting Scholar and Teach the Teachers Program, Science Technology Studies, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Awards and Scholarships

  • National University of Singapore, PhD Scholarship, 2002-2007
  • Singapore University of Technology and Design, Teaching Excellence Award, 2014
Executive Learning Certificates
  • SUTD, Train-the-Trainer: The Responsible Conduct of Research, Singapore, 2023
  • Aalto University, Case Study Method, Singapore, 2022
  • Harvard, Derek Bok Center for Teaching and Learning, 2020
  • AHE– Teaching Fellowship, UK 2020
  • MIT– Teach the Teacher Certificate, USA 2016
  • MIT– Building, Leading and Sustaining the Innovative Organization, USA 2016
2023 Project Consultant (with Lyle Fearnley), Singapore Environment Council
2015 Project Consultant on Millennials in Singapore, SUTD-MIT International Design Center
2009-2010 Research Consultant, Sotheby’s Institute of Art, Singapore
Research Grants
As Principal Investigator
2023-2024 Principal Investigator, Fulbright Research Scholar. “Women, Academia and Scientific Recognition in the United States and Singapore and the Influence of Interdisciplinary Research Networks.” SGD 25,000 (converted from USD).
2022-2024 Principal Investigator, Social Mobility Foundation, Lee Kwan Yew School of Public Policy (NUS), “Bridging the Gap, GenZ Social Mixing and Social Equity in Singapore.” SGD 45,500.
2023-2024 Principal Investigator, campusX “Virtual Reality for Digital Sociology,” SGD 3,000.
2017-2021 Principal Investigator, SUTD Startup grant SGD 100,000.
2014-2015 Principal Investigator, SUTD Pedagogy Grant. “Teaching Sociology to Engineering Students in Singapore, SGD 3,500.
2003-2004 Principal Investigator, Asia Research Institute Fieldwork Funding Grant. SGD 3,500.
As Co-Principal Investigator
2022-2024 Co-Principal Investigator, (PI Mohan Rajesh Elara) SUTD Kickstarter Grant. “How the Lightbulb was Invented: Sparking Creativity with Deliberate-Learning-From-Failure Interventions.” SGD 489,000.
2017-2020 Co-Principal Investigator, (PI Arlindo Silva) SUTD-MIT IDC Grant. “Applying Social Science Methods to Analyze the Impact of Input Data on the Design Outcomes from Student Designers.” SGD 495, 850.

For a full list visit my faculty website.

2021 Raghunath, Nilanjan. “Shaping the Futures of Work: Proactive Governance and Millennials.” McGill Queens University Press.

Reviews (unsolicited)

Work Employment Society: Web of Science Impact Factor 3.7, JCR 4/52, Scopus: Cite Score 8.5, 97th Percentile, (35/1415), SJR Q1
Pacific Affairs: Web of Science Impact Factor 1.6, JCR 30/173, Scopus: Cite Score 1.7, 61st Percentile, (548/1415), SJR Q1
Contemporary Sociology: A Journal of Reviews: (A journal of the American Sociological Association). Web of Science Impact Factor 0.2, JCR 200/216, Scopus: Cite Score 0.3, 17th Percentile, (1174/1415), SJR Q2.
Labour/Le Travail: (Canadian Committee for Labour History). Web of Science Impact Factor 0.1, JCR 220/509, Scopus: NA, SJR NA
Asian Journal of Social Science: Web of Science Impact Factor 0.6, JCR 140/265, Scopus: Cite Score 0.8, 38th Percentile, 162/262, SJR Q2

Other Publications related to the book

Video of Book
Course Materials in Harvard Business Publishing
American Sociological Association
Asia Society Switzerland Talk

Books/Monographs – Work in Progress
2024 Raghunath, Nilanjan. “Overcoming Social Mobility Barriers: GenZ and Social Mixing.”
2024 Raghunath, Nilanjan. “Women in Science: Constructing Narratives of Social Influence.”
Book Chapter
2019 Raghunath, Nilanjan. “Automation versus Nationalism: Challenges to the Future of Work in the Software Industry.” In Smets, K., Leurs, K., Georgiou, M., Witteborn, S. & Gajjala, R. (eds.). The SAGE Handbook of Media and Migration. London: SAGE, chapter 44.
2017 Raghunath, Nilanjan. “Minority Indian Communities in Singapore.” In Mathew Mathews (eds.) The Singapore Ethnic Mosaic, Many Cultures One People. World Scientific, Singapore. Chapter 10.
Book Chapter in Progress
2024 Raghunath, Nilanjan. “Sustainability and the Future of Work.”
Journal Articles – Sociology of Work, Organizations, Social Mobility
2024 Raghunath, Nilanjan and Oh Peng Ho. “A new model of Singapore’s Flexible Work Redesign. ILR Review. Submitted in May 2024. Web of Science Impact Factor 2.8, JCR 7/52, Scopus: Cite Score 6.2, 83rd Percentile, 38/226, SJR Q1.
2024 Raghunath, Nilanjan and Oh Peng Ho. “Responding to Precarity: Continuous Education and Training (CET) Policies on Employability in Singapore.” Work Employment and Society. Submitted in May 2024. Web of Science Impact
2023 Factor 3.7, JCR 4/52, Scopus: Cite Score 8.5, 97th Percentile, (35/1415), SJR Q1. Raghunath, Nilanjan. “Quantified Credibility as an Exigency of Late Modernity: A Case Study of China’s Social Credit System.” Journal of Chinese Sociology. Web of Science Impact Factor 1.5, JCR 127/216, Scopus: Cite Score 2.0, 64th Percentile, 94/262, SJR Q2.
2021 Raghunath, Nilanjan. “Technological Adoption as a Social Process in Food Centers in Singapore.” Science Technology and Society, 30 April. Web of Science Impact Factor 2.1, JCR 242/401, Scopus: Cite Score, 3.3, 75th Percentile, 33/134, SJR Q1.
2020 Raghunath, Nilanjan. “Full Employment in the Cryptocurrency Economy: Lessons Learnt from Michael Polanyi.” Tradition & Discovery. The Polanyi Society Journal, 46, 2, 43-56. Web of Science Impact Factor 0.2, JCR 170/328, Scopus: NA, SJR NA.
2020 Raghunath, Nilanjan. “China’s Social Credit System and its Impact on Credibility and Social Mobility of its Citizens.” Sociology Compass. Web of Science Impact Factor 2.7. JCR 49/216, Scopus: Cite Score 4.0, 82nd Percentile, 47/262, SJR Q1.
2020 Raghunath, Nilanjan and Tony Tan. “The Impact of Social Stratification on Morbidity During the COVID-19 Pandemic.” International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 40, (9/10), pp. 793-806. Web of Science Impact Factor 2.7, JCR 79/216, Scopus: Cite Score 4.3, 86th Percentile, 39/279, SJR Q1.
2017 Raghunath, Nilanjan, Aye Myat Khine Win, and Fumiko Nishino. “Why is STEM Unattractive to Women? A Comparison of STEM Education in Japan and the United States.” Heinz Journal, 15, (2) 12-28. Web of Science Impact Factor NA, JCR NA, Scopus: NA, SJR, NA.
Journal Article: Sociology of Work (in Progress)
2024 Raghunath, Nilanjan. “Building Inclusive Futures: A Review of  Women and the Future of Work,” Sociology Compass. Web of Science Impact Factor 2.7. JCR 49/216, Scopus: Cite Score 4.0, 82nd Percentile, 47/262, SJR Q1.
2024 Raghunath, Nilanjan and Asuncion Fresnoza-Flot. “Negotiating Intimacy: Professional Indian and Filipino Migrant Women Managing Family and Career.” Qualitative Research. Web of Science Impact Factor 3.6, JCR 32/216, Scopus: Cite Score 6.8, 96th Percentile, 7/208, SJR Q1.
2024 Raghunath, Nilanjan. “Global Power Dynamics in the Semiconductor Industry: Sociological Perspectives on Labour and Political Economy.” ILR Review. Abstract Under review for conference and journal article publication in 2024. Web of Science Impact Factor 2.8, JCR 7/52, Scopus: Cite Score 6.2, 83rd Percentile, 38/226, SJR Q1.
2024 Raghunath, Nilanjan. “Design Your Work: Examining the Evolution of Flexible Work in the Tripartite Labor Sphere in Singapore.” Work Employment and Society. Abstract under review for conference and journal article publication in 2024. Web of Science Impact Factor 3.7, JCR 4/52, Scopus: Cite Score, 8.5, 97th Percentile, (35/1415), SJR Q1.
Journal Articles and Proceedings: Transdisciplinary (Applied Sociology)
2023 Raghunath, Nilanjan, Georgios Koronis, Rianne Karthikayen, Arlindo Silva, Christine Yogiaman. “A Social Science Mixed Methods Approach to Stimulating and Measuring Creativity in the Classroom Context.” Design Science (online). Web of Science Impact Factor 2.4, JCR 49/66, Scopus: Cite Score 3.5, 97th Percentile, 16/625, SJR Q1.
2019 Raghunath, Nilanjan with Georgios, Koronis (lead author), Pei Zhi Chia, Jacob Kang Kai Siang, Arlindo Silva, Christine Yogiaman, “An Empirical Study on the Impact of Design Brief Information, Gender, and Gender Diversity on the Creativity of Design Outcomes.” Journal of Mechanical Design 141(7): 071102. Web of Science Impact Factor 3.3, JCR 31/179, Scopus: Cite Score 7.3, 85th Percentile, 89/631, SJR Q1.
2016 Raghunath, Nilanjan, Timothy Li. “Unlearning Anxieties of The Unfamiliar: Teaching Advanced Sociological Topics o Engineering Students.” International Journal of Engineering Education, 32(2), 640-653. Web of Science Impact Factor 1, JCR 92/178, Scopus: Cite Score 2.9, 67th Percentile, 483/1469, SJR Q3.
2015 Raghunath, Nilanjan, with Timothy Li (lead author), Katja Hölttä-Otto, Asli Arpak, Suranga Nanayakkara, Cassandra Telenko. “Teaching Interdisciplinary Design Between Architecture and Engineering: Finding Common Ground While Retaining Disciplinary Expertise.” Proceedings of the ASME 2015 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. Volume 3: 17th International Conference on Advanced Vehicle Technologies; 12th International Conference on Design Education; 8th Frontiers in Biomedical Devices. 2-5 August, Boston, USA.
2020 Raghunath, Nilanjan, Georgios. Koronis and Arlindo. Silva, “Creativity, Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Leadership and Professional Motivations: Comparing Design Students in Different Levels of Undergraduate Education,” 2020 IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment, and Learning for Engineering (TALE), Takamatsu, Japan, 2020, pp. 77-82.
2013 Raghunath, Nilanjan with Rachel Kuhr (lead author), Kevin Otto, Ricardo Sosa, Katja Holtta-Otto, Kristin L. Wood. “Design with the Developing World: A Model with 7 Challenges for the Future. International Conference on Engineering Design, Iced 13, 19-22 August, Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, Korea.
Teaching and Learning Guides
2024 Raghunath, Nilanjan. “Teaching Sociological Concepts through Virtual Reality.” Inspiring Minds, Harvard Business Publishing. Under review.
2023 Raghunath, Nilanjan. Shaping the Future of Work. Harvard Business Publishing.
2022 Raghunath, Nilanjan, Nachamma Sockalingam (lead author), Kin Leong Pey et al. “A White Paper on Cyber Physical Learning.” National Enhanced Learning Technology Conference, SUTD, 27-28 October.
2020 Raghunath, Nilanjan, “Teaching and learning guide for: A Sociological Review of China’s Social Credit Systems and Guanxi Opportunities for Social Mobility.” Sociology Compass. Teaching and Learning Guide.
2017 Raghunath, Nilanjan with Silva Arlindo (lead author), Christine Yogiaman, Huang Shaoying, James G. Wan, Pey Kin Leong. “A Multidisciplinary 2d Project Across Mathematics, Physics, Humanities, Social Science and Design. EduSCAPES. Singapore University of Technology and Design.
Teaching Interests

I teach cutting edge social science courses that focus on giving students critical thinking and research skills. These include the following;

  • Digital Sociology
  • Who Gets Ahead? Sociology of Social Networks and Social Capital
  • Gender Sexuality and Society
  • Shaping Futures: Sociology of Innovation Work and Society
Service (Internal and External)

I serve on several committees which include the following.

  • Institutional Review Board
  • CET-SUTD Academy
  • STEAMUnity
  • Interdisciplinary Research Framework
  • Faculty Hiring
  • SKAT Awards Committee (American Sociological Association)
  • Singapore Labour Journal (Ad Hoc)
  • Academic Editor: Nature: Humanities and Social Sciences Communications
  • Reviewer; American Sociological Review, Big Data and Society, Urban Studies