- Ph.D., Purdue University, School of Industrial Engineering, 1992
- M.S., Purdue University, School of Industrial Engineering, 1989
- B.S., University of Texas at Austin, Department of Electrical Engineering, 1987
Research Interests
Broad interests in supply chain management, service and manufacturing operations, production and inventory systems, and applications of stochastic modelling, optimisation, and game theory. Current research interests include sustainability and environmental modeling in supply chains, healthcare operations and healthcare supply chains, flexibility in service and manufacturing operations, and cooperation, competition, and incentives in supply chains and operations.
Selected Publications
- Wang, R., O. Jouini and S. Benjaafar, “Service Systems with Finite and Heterogeneous Customer Arrivals,”Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, accepted for publication, 2013.
- Benjaafar, S., M. Elhafsi, C. Y. Lee and W. Zhou, “Optimal Control of Assembly Systems with Multiple Stages and Multiple Demand Classes,” Operations Research, 59, 522–529, 2011.
- Benjaafar, S., W. L. Cooper and S. Mardan, “Production-Inventory Systems with Imperfect Advance Demand Information and Updating,” Naval Research Logistics, 58, 88-106, 2011 (Winner of the Harold W. Kuhn Award, 2012).
- Gayon, J. P., S. Benjaafar and F. de Véricourt, “Using Imperfect Demand Information in Production-Inventory Systems with Multiple Demand Classes,” Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, 11, 128-143, 2009 (Winner of the M&SOM Best Paper Award, 2011). An article authored by Jeannette Song highlighting the contributions of the paper appeared in Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, 13, 419, 2011.
- Hu, B. and S. Benjaafar, “On Server Partitioning in Queueing Systems during Rush Hour,” Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, 11, 416-428, 2009.
- Gaglioppa, F., L. Miller and S. Benjaafar, “Multi-Task and Multi-Stage Production Planning and Scheduling for Process Industries,” Operations Research, 56, 110-1025, 2008.
- Benjaafar, S., Y. Li, D. Xu and S. Elhedhli, “Demand Allocation in Systems with Multiple Inventory Locations and Multiple Demand Sources,” Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, 4, 43-60, 2008.
- Benjaafar, S., E. Elahi and K. Donohue, “Outsourcing via Service Quality Competition”, Management Science, 53, 241-259, 2007.
- Benjaafar, S. and M. Elhafsi, “Production and Inventory Control of a Single Product Assemble-to-Order System with Multiple Customer Classes”, Management Science, 52, 1896-1912, 2006.
- Benjaafar, S., William L. Cooper and J. S. Kim, “On the Benefits of Pooling in Production-Inventory Systems“, Management Science, 51, 548-565, 2005.
- Benjaafar, S., M. Elhafsi and F. de Véricourt, “Demand Allocation in Multi-Product, Multi-Facility Make-to-Stock Systems”, Management Science, 50, 1431–1448, 2004.
- Benjaafar, S., “Modeling and Analysis of Congestion in the Design of Facility Layouts,” Management Science, 48, 679-204, 2002.