Wong Wei Pin

WONG Wei Pin

Senior Lecturer

Elliptic Curves

+65 6499 4908


Wei Pin was born and raised in Penang, Malaysia. He was admitted to the National University of Singapore (NUS) for undergraduate studies in 2003. He did the NUS French Double Degree Program in which he spent his freshman and sophomore years in NUS before going to Ecole Polytechnique, France to attend the polytechnicien cycle. Halfway through the programme, he received a Bachelor of Engineering Science degree from Ecole Polytechnique in 2006 and a Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics from NUS in 2008. Upon completing the programme in 2009, he received a Diplôme d’ingénieur (M.S.E) from Ecole Polytechnique and a Master of Science in Mathematics from NUS. He then worked for a year as an instructor in the NUS Department of Mathematics before going to Brown University in 2010 to pursue his Ph.D. in Mathematics under the guidance of Prof. Joseph Silverman. He joined the SUTD family straight after he graduated from Brown University in summer 2015.

  • PhD in Mathematics, Brown University, USA, May 2015
  • MS in Mathematics, Brown University, USA, May 2013
  • MS in Mathematics, National University of Singapore, Singapore, Aug 2009
  • Diplôme d’ingénieur (M.S.E) in Pure Mathematics, Ecole Polytechnique, France, Mar 2009
  • BS (1st class honours) in Mathematics, National University of Singapore, Singapore, June  2008
  • Gradué en ingénierie (B.S.E), Ecole Polytechnique, France, Sep 2006
Selected Publications
  • Keegan Kang, Sergey Kushnarev,Wong Wei Pin, Omar Ortiz, and Jacob Chen Shihang, Impact of Virtual Reality on the Visualization of Partial Derivatives In A Multivariable Calculus Class, IEEE ACCESS (2020), 8:58940-58947. Available atIEEE.org.
  • Keegan Kang andWong Wei Pin, Improving Sign Random Projections with Additional Information, Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Machine Learning, PMLR 80 (2018), 2484-2492. Available atPMLR.
  • Wei Pin Wong, Heights and the Specialization Map for Families of Elliptic Curves over P^n, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 369 (2017), 3207-3220. Preprint available atarXiv:1409.3255v2.
  • Wei Pin Wong, On the Average Value of the Canonical Height in Higher Dimensional Families of Elliptic Curves, Acta Arithmetica, 166 (2014), 101-128. Preprint available atarXiv:1305.7207v4
  • Mathematics Department Outstanding Teaching Award, Brown University, 2014
  • Singapore Mathematical Society Medal and Prize, National University of Singapore, 2008
  • Lijen Industrial Development Medal, National University of Singapore, 2008
  • Prix d’option (Scientific Internship Award), Ecole Polytechnique, 2007
  • Eiffel Scholarship of Excellence, Ecole Polytechnique, Spring 2005 – Summer 2007
Research Interests

My research interests are number theory, arithmetic geometry and arithmetic dynamics. My PhD. dissertation investigates the variation of height functions and the injectivity of specialization maps for families of elliptic curves parametrized over varieties. I am able to partially generalize a result of Silverman to families of elliptic curves parametrized over P^n and obtain a similar result of Néron and Masser on the density of points in P^n for which the corresponding specialization map is injective. I hope to generalize my result to abelian varieties parametrized over general projective varieties, as well as to explore applications of elliptic curves, such as in cryptography. On the other hand, I also develop interest in arithmetic dynamics and random projections.