Prof. Yang Shengyuan
- 2007-2011, University of Science and Technology of China, Bachelor degree
- 2011-2016, University of Science and Technology of China, PhD degree in physics
Research Interests
Topological Physics
Selected Publications
- Yihao Yang, Zhen Gao, Xiaolong Feng, Yue-Xin Huang, Peiheng Zhou, Shengyuan A. Yang, Yidong Chong, Baile Zhang, “Ideal Unconventional Weyl Point in a Chiral Photonic Metamaterial,” arXiv:2007.02003.
- Y. X. Zhao, Yue-Xin Huang, and Shengyuan A. Yang, “Z2-projective translational symmetry protected topological phases,” arXiv:2007.00575.