30.106 Microelectronics Circuits and Devices
Introduction to
- fundamental concepts in semiconductor physics, operations of key microelectronic devices, such as diodes, BJTs and MOSFETs).
- small signal analysis technique to understand the microelectronic circuits using microelectronic devices, such as single stage amplifier, differential amplifier, multi-stage amplifier.
- large signal analysis technique to understand the logic circuits using microelectronic devices, such as CMOS inverter.
Course Structure Outline
- 10.005 Physics II
- 30.002 Circuits & Electronics
Course Lead/Main Instructor
The purpose is to establish foundational knowledge in semiconductor devices, circuit analysis and design for more advanced courses such as IC circuit designs and semiconductor devices developments.
Learning Objectives
- Able to explain and apply basic concepts of semiconductor physics relevant to devices.
- Able to describe, explain, and analyze the operation of important semiconductor devices in terms of their physical structure.
- Able to understand physics-based device models – Explain, describe, and use physics-based device and circuit models for semiconductor devices of varying levels of complexity, select models appropriate to a specific need, and apply those models to analyze multi-component circuits.
- Able to analyze and design microelectronic circuits for linear amplifier and digital applications.
- Able to confront integrated device and/or circuit design problems, identify the design issues, and develop solutions.
Measurable Outcomes
- Construct and apply physical model to determine and explain the electrical characteristic and operation principle of microelectronic devices, such as pn junction diodes, BJT and MOSFET.
- Apply small signal analysis to model operating mechanism and design of analog circuits, such as single stage amplifier, differential amplifier, multi-stage amplifier.
- Apply large signal analysis to model operating mechanism and design of digital circuits, such as CMOS inverter.
- Apply CMOS scaling rule to evaluate CMOS inverter performance and explain the advantages and disadvantages of CMOS inverter scaling rule.
- Design multi-stage audio amplifier and realize the circuit for demonstrations.
Text & References
- Microelectronic Devices and Circuits, Clifton G. Fonstad (pdf on eDimension)
- Microelectronics An Integrated Approach, Roger T. Howe, Charles G. Sodini (SUTD library)
Items | Weightage |
Mid-term exam | 30% |
Final exam | 30% |
Homework | 10% |
Project Design | 25% |
Class Participation | 5% |
- Attendances for mid-term and final exams are compulsory.
- Assignments must be submitted on time. Late submission will not be accepted and graded.
- Be interactive and proactive in the class to ask questions that clearly reflect your thoughts, and take charge of your mastering the subjects.