30.505 Design Science
Spring term 2021: Tuesday 11:30-1:30 and Friday 11:30-1:30, Venue TBD
Luo Jianxi
Assistant: Lakshmi Narayanan Siddharth (Sid)
This course is for PhD students (and other researchers) involved in research about design or innovation, or research that involves design and innovation of products, services or systems. The aim is to make the participants better qualified and equipped for their research by providing:
- insight into existing design theories and models to enable the selection of a suitable theoretical foundation;
- a research methodology to support the planning and execution of a suitable research approach;
- an overview of design research methods to enable the formulation of a clear and suitable research focus, research questions and hypotheses, and a line of argumentation;
- an active learning environment involving a mix of lectures, discussions, exercises, presentations, assignments and homework.
Participants are actively engaged in the course and the course directly contributes to their research. All exercises and assignments are based on the participant’s own research topic and the individual results are regularly presented and discussed. Through working in pairs or small groups participants will develop the reflective and critical approach required in research, are encouraged getting to know and learn from other researchers and develop long-term collaborations.
Grades are based on a series of assignments throughout the semester.
Introduction of participants through presentation of their projects; the nature of design and design research; concepts and models and schools of design and designing; Design Research Methodology (DRM); defining aim, goal and approach of your own project; identifying areas of relevance and own contribution; formulation of research questions/hypotheses; establishing your line of argumentation (Reference Model development); research types; descriptive design research (data collection, analysis, interpretation, drawing conclusions); identifying data collection methods suitable for own research questions/hypotheses; the nature and use of theories in design; prescriptive phase of design research – developing knowledge, methods, models, tools; visualising main research object(s) of own project; determining scope and assumptions behind the technology/methods to be developed; evaluating research results; writing a thesis or other publication; research ethics.
The research approach is based on the book “DRM: a design research methodology” of Blessing and Chakrabarti, which is available in the library as Springer e-book.
Participants are asked to submit a one-page written introduction in e-Dimension containing:
- Your name, a picture, your pillar and supervisor.
- Your research topic
- Introduction to the problem to be solved
- Objectives
- Main research question(s)
- Outline plan
- Expected outcome
All participants are expected to read all these introductions prior to the first lecture.
Image Credit (https://www.prote.in/feed/2012/11/made-by-humans)