Programme Outline
Learning Objectives
- Introduction to Design Innovation
- Design Innovation in Organisation
- Design Innovation Process
- Design Innovation Methods, tools and mindset
- Design Innovation in Strategy Development
- Leading Design Innovation
Each day, participants go through a reflection exercise to deepen the understanding and take time to contextualise the learning to their environment.
Day 1
- Background and Introduction
- Micro DI Experience
- Discover Phase – Leader + Discover Mindsets
- Discover Phase – Personas & Scenario methods
- Discover Phase – Interviews, Contextual Needs Analysis and Affinity-Clustering methods
- Define Phase – Leadership + Define Mindsets
- Define Phase – Activity Analysis + Journey Map methods
Day 2
- Define Phase – Framing the Design Opportunity Statement
- Develop Phase – Leader + Develop Mindsets
- Develop Phase – Brainstorming with Mindmap Method + C-Sketch
- Develop Phase – Real-Win-Worth / Prioritisation Matrix
- Stock take of team’s insights from “Develop” and grasp of DI mindsets
- Demonstrate Phase – Leader + Demonstrate Mindsets
- Demonstrate Phase – Storyboarding, Paper Prototyping, & DI Pitching methods