Google Analytics Mastery – The Data Driven Approach to Digital Marketing
Programme Outline
Day 1
- What is Google Analytics and how it works
- Understanding key terminology used in Google Analytics
- Cookie-based analytics vs user-based analytics
- Google Analytics vs Google Analytics 360: What are the differences?
- What is the role of analytics in your business?
- Understanding user journey and mapping out the right success metrics
- Google Analytics setup and best practices
- Demo: How to set up & troubleshoot Google Analytics on WordPress and other CMS
Day 2
- Introduction to Google Tag Manager
- Common mistakes marketers make
- Types of report available
- Types of event tracking and how to implement them
- Micro vs Macro Conversions & setting up conversion tracking
- Set up goal setting
- Track your campaigns with UTM tags
Day 3
- Tracking: Link click + use case
- Tracking: Form submission + use case
- Tracking: Scroll depth + use case
- Tracking: Video views + use case
- Tracking: Time period + use case
- Introducing user ID Tracking
- Enhanced eCommerce – the perfect eCommerce tracking tool
Day 4
- Success metrics to use for a business website (lead-generation)
- Success metrics to use for a ecommerce website
- Success metrics to use for a news website
- Introduction to Google Data Studio
- Data visualization basics
- Creating your first dashboard
Day 5
- Project Presentation
Subject Credits
Upon completion and satisfying the requirements of passing this course, learners will be awarded 12 subject credits.