Thia Wei Soon
Instructor, SUTD Academy
Wei Soon has more than ten years of experience working in the manufacturing and IT sectors. He worked as a data scientist using data analytics and machine learning to deliver actionable insights and drive strategic marketing initiatives. In recent years, as a technology consultant, he successfully helped clients to streamline enterprise operations and achieved cost saving through the adoption of robotic process automation.
Wei Soon has a Master of IT in Business Artificial Intelligence from Singapore Management of University and a B.Eng in Mechanical Engineering from Nanyang Technological University. He is proficient with tools such as Tableau, Jupyter, RStudio, MS Visual Studio, Automation Anywhere, UiPath, and programming languages such as Python, R, C#, HTML5, and JavaScript.
Narayan Venkataraman
Assistant Director, Data Management & Informatics, Changi General Hospital
Narayan (Nari) is a Data Science and Biomedical professional with more than 22 years of experience in healthcare with diverse portfolio spanning data science, health informatics, data governance, medical technology, clinical quality and operational analytics, patient safety and risk management.
He is currently the Assistant Director, Data Management & Informatics at Changi General Hospital, Singapore. Recipient of the Singapore Commendation Medal 2022 for Covid19, he is a member of the CGH Covid19 Taskforce and many strategic committees at CGH and SingHealth (SHS). He has completed many medical projects across the Asia-Pacific region representing Singapore MOH and MFA. He is also an honorary biomed consultant for Smiles Asia and has volunteered for many surgical missions in Asia and Oceania. His current academic interests cover robotic process automation, AI/Machine Learning, data visualisation, risk analytics and enterprise data literacy.
Emileen Chia Siok Chen
Assistant Director, Management Information, Sengkang General Hospital
Emileen obtained both her BEng and MSc from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. From 2006-2014, she has worked in the Institute of Mental Health and Agency for Integrated Care (AIC). Her stinct in the Institute of Mental Health where she was in charge of hospital data analysis fueled her passion in this area. She joined Sengkang General Hospital in 2014 to set up the Management Information department and is currently holding the designation of Assistant Director, Management Information.
Dr Ho Vui Kian
Head & Senior Consultant Intensive Care Medicine, Anaesthesiology & Perioperative Sciences, Sengkang General Hospital / Head & Senior Consultant, Surgical Intensive Care, Singapore General Hospital
Dr Ho is an Anaesthesiologist and Intensivist. He completed his specialist training in Anaesthesiology in 2012. He was awarded a HMDP fellowship in 2013 for Intensive Care at the Alfred Hospital in Australia, and completed his subspecialty training in Intensive Care Medicine in 2015.
He was appointed Head, Intensive Care Medicine, Sengkang General Hospital in October 2017, and concurrently appointed Head, Surgical Intensive Care, Singapore General Hospital in July 2021.