Programme Outline
Day 1
- Introduction to the module and faculty, program flow and pre-assignments.
- Learning of key concepts from pre-reading material set by professors
- Preparation of cases set by professors
- Identification of personal learning goals of the current module set by oneself.
Day 2
- Introduction to platform economy (group work)
- Platform value generating mechanism, platform types, and five distinct network externalities (group work)
- Development of innovative platform services and solutions (group assignment)
- Presentation and evaluation of innovative platform services and solutions
- Platform governance (group assignment)
- Data business models (group assignment), case Patientslikeme
- Managing platform growth (group assignment), case TikTok
- Key take-home points and reflection
- Data, machine learning, and digital capabilities
- Digital modularity and the changing nature of innovation
- Competitive advantage in digital business
- Agile and adaptive forms of organising
- Creating a digital vision
- Crafting a digital transformation roadmap
- Leading digital transformation
- My next steps
Day 3
- Introduction to the future world and technological disruptions
- Impact on the future state of work
- The modern organisation
- Change in the digital age
- Introduction to organisation culture and change management
- Barriers to change
Day 4
- Introduction to the Competing Values Framework
- Case Study 1 – Managing culture change in major transitions
- Digital tools for culture transformation
- Introduction to the “Culture Acceleration Toolkit and Methodology”
- Case Study 2: Do a mini sprint to design a change process using digital tools
- Presentation of Sprint by groups – Future of Digital Tools in Change
- Summary and wrap up
Day 5
- Project Presentation
Multiple methods of assessment are used to provide an opportunity for the participant to demonstrate their learning results with a variety of learning styles.
These include:
- Pre-assignment due before in-class session
- Class contribution
- In-class assignments (group work and presentations during the module)
- Take-home assignment due after in-class session
Subject Credits
Upon completion and satisfying the requirements of passing this course, learners will be awarded 12 subject credits.