Sustainability Reporting


Professor Olatundun Janet Adelegan

Aalto University


Prof. Olatundun Janet Adelegan is a Professor of Accounting and Financial Economics with over three decades years experience in academia, multilateral development institutions, intergovernmental organisation and not-for-profit sector in Africa; North America, Europe and Asia. She holds PhD in Economics from the University of Ibadan, Nigeria and three Master Degrees in Business Administration, Economics and Education from HAMK University, Finland.  She is a fellow of Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria. She is currently a Visiting Professor at Aalto University School of Business, Finland; the Vice President of UN Women Suomi and a Resource person to the Finance and Resource Mobilization thematic group of African Economic Research Consortium (AERC).


She worked at the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Research Department, Institute for Capacity Development Institute and Monetary and Capital Market Department, African Regional Division managing technical assistance to Mauritius, Zambia and the Gambia and also led the IMF pioneer study on Determinants of Debt Market development in sub-Saharan Africa, which is a compulsory reading for graduate students in Finance and Economics programs in Sub-Saharan Africa. She was the Director of Capacity Building for the West Africa Science Service Center on Climate Change and Adapted land Use (WASCAL), International Development and Intergovernmental Organisation coordinating twelve (12) Regional and international Capacity Building program across West Africa in partnership with Institutions in Europe and the United States. She was the representative of Africa and Middle East on the Climate Investment Fund (CIF) of the World Bank from Dec. 2014-July 2018. She was a visiting scholar to the World Bank development research group, University of Oxford in United Kingdom;  and Visiting Professor for the AERC Joint Facility for Electives in Kenya.   She is the Editor of Lead City Journal of The Social Sciences and a member of the Editorial board of Journal of African Development (JAD). She has over 70 international publications.

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