Prasmul University Strengthens International Collaboration with SUTD
Prasmul University Strengthens International Collaboration with SUTD
23 Jul 2023
Media Indonesia, 23 Jul 2023, Universitas Prasmul Perkuat Kolaborasi Internasional Bersama SUTD
To strengthen its international network, Prasetiya Mulya University (Prasmul) has established collaborations with various educational institutions around the world, including the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD).
Dr Zaki Saldi, Head of Prasmul’s STEM Product Design and Innovation Study Programme, said that as a continuation of the collaborative framework that has been ongoing since 2019, the two institutions are implementing a short-term joint immersion programme again.
“After the success of the two previous programmes in 2020 and 2021, the third programme this year takes on the theme ‘Sustainability in Furniture Industry’,” Zaki said at the Prasmul Campus, South Tangerang, Banten on Sunday (23/7).
According to him, students from the two universities jointly participated in a series of activities in the form of design activities, work studios, discussions, industrial visits related to design and entrepreneurship in the context of sustainability in the furniture industry, which lasted for 5 days from 17 to 21 July 2023.
“In this programme, students from Prasmul and SUTD collaborate in small groups to design chairs that are transformative or reconfigurable, that is, they can change shape, while including consideration of the principles of sustainability,” said Zaki.
Also attending were Dr Wisnu Wijaya, Dean of Prasmul’s STEM School, and Dr Faizah Sari, Prasmul’s Head of Coop Education and External Relations. This programme ended on the fifth day with an exhibition of works resulting from student collaboration. The exhibition is a forum where Prasmul and SUTD students can present their ideas and innovative solutions, as well as promote the sustainability of the furniture industry.
Zaki said the forum also highlighted the creative approaches, technology applications and entrepreneurial strategies they had developed to address environmental challenges and promote sustainable practices in the manufacture, distribution and use of furniture.
Exhibitions provide an opportunity to showcase their problem-solving skills, as well as to receive feedback from lecturers and fellow students.
“Essentially, this programme embodies the spirit of international collaboration and knowledge sharing between Prasmul and SUTD, and encourages the student community in the fields of technology and design to continue to be committed to a more sustainable future,” said Zaki.
Faizah added that this activity aims, firstly, to broaden Prasmul and SUTD students’ insights, knowledge and skills in the fields of design and entrepreneurship, which complements the material learnt in regular lectures. Secondly, it aims to hone students’ skills in communication, leadership and collaboration in an international context.
“As well as strengthening student networking experiences at regional and international levels,” he said.
At the same time, the Dean of Prasmul’s School of STEM Wisnu Wijaya said that his team encourages collaboration at the international level, to provide students with the experience to solve problems related to design and design products in particular, so that they have sufficient provisions to contribute to society.
“This provides students a good platform to build strong collaborative networks at the international and global level and make a real contribution to society. This will help our graduates to compete in the real world, that’s the point,” concluded Wisnu.