Research Group
BioMed-EM Group
Dr. Shaoying HUANG is an associate professor at Singapore University of Technology and Design.
She received her B.Eng., M. Eng., and Ph.D. degrees from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore in 2003, 2006, and 2011, respectively. Her research interests include low-field MRI (magnets and coils), non-linear MRI image reconstructions, RF aspects of MRI, MR electrical property tomography, radiofrequency(RF)/microwave noninvasive/contactless sensing, wireless power transfer, and wideband RF/microwave components. She owns 8 patents and 6 technology disclosures. She has authored and co-authored more than 55 papers in refereed journals, 1 book chapter, and more than 150 international conference papers.
Research Interests
- Low-field portable MRI
- Non-linear gradient MRI
- Magnetic resonance electrical property tomography (MREPT)
- Non-invasive EM sensing
- In-circuit testing
Education Background
- Postdoctoral fellow, SUTD-MIT (2011-2013), HKU (2009-2011)
- PhD, Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore, 2011
Selected Publications
- [Portable Magnet] T-O LIANG, Y. H. KOH, T. QIU, E. LI, W. YU, andS. Y. HUANG, “High-Performance Permanent Magnet Array Design by a Fast Genetic Algorithm (GA)-based Optimization for Low-Field Portable MRI,” Journal of Magnetic Resonance (JMR), Vol. 345, Dec. 2022, 107309,
- [Metasurface] T. Qiu, C. K. A. Tek, andS. Y. Huang, “Design and Experimental Demonstration of a Static Negative Permeability Metasurface to Transfer Volumetric Static Magnetic field,” Physical Review Applied, 18, 034085 (2022),
- [MREPT] A. J. Garcia,S. Y. Huang, N. İmamoğlu, and W. Yu, “Physics-Coupled Neural Network Magnetic Resonance Electrical Property Tomography (MREPT) for Conductivity Reconstruction,” IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol. 31, page 3463 – 3478, 9 May 2022 (doi: 10.1109/TIP.2022.3172220)
- [WPT] W Zhou, P Wu, W. C. MU, W. Yu, andS. Y. Huang, “A Compact Broadband Planar Resonator with a Viaed Double-Spiral for a Robust and Stable Wireless Power Transfer System,” IEEE Journal of Electromagnetics, RF, and Microwaves in Medicine and Biology, 2021 (doi:10.1109/JERM.2021.3051759)
- [Aeroso Jet Printing] Y.-D. Chen, V. Nagarajan, D. Rosen, W. Yu, andS. Y. Huang, “Aerosol jet printing on paper substrate with conductive silver nano material,” Journal of Manufacturing Processes, vol. 58, Oct. 2020, page 55-66 (doi: 10.1016/j.jmapro.2020.07.064)
- [Book chapter, magnetic material] E. Motovilova, andS. Y. Huang, “Magnetic materials for nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI),” Recent Advances in Magnetic Materials: Processing, Properties and Performance, Edited by Sam Zhang, CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, forthcoming 2016.
- [Portable Magnet] Z. H. Ren, L. Maréchal, W. Luo, J. Su, andS. Y. Huang, ‘Magnet Array for a Portable Magnetic Resonance Imaging System’, 2015 IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society International Microwave Workshop Series on RF and Wireless Technologies for Biomedical and Healthcare Applications, 2015.
For more details, please find them at
- 30.102 Electromagnetics & Applications (EPD, term 5)
- 30.123 Healthcare product design (EPD, term 7)
Professional services
- Associate editor, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation
- Faculty in-charge of IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu student chapter at SUTD
Last Modified: March 21, 2023
Looking for PhD students (PhD scholarship available) who are passionate for doing research in the areas of eletromagnetics for biomedical applications.
Post-Doc Positions are available
- MRI hardware
- MRI image recon
Please find more details here or email Shaoying for more discussions.