ASD PhD Programme

Collaborate with the best minds in a fluid and stimulating setting and conduct breakthrough research that will make a difference to the world.

Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD)

Full-time (36 – 48 months)
Part-time (36 – 60 months)

Doctor of Philosophy degree under Architecture and Sustainable Design (ASD)

Requirements to graduate


Course Work


PhD Students are expected to complete at least 144 credits of subject work while in residence at SUTD. This is usually accomplished over four terms by enrolling in an average of 36 credits per term – the equivalent of three or four subjects. A subject requirement for all PhD students is the PhD Pro-Seminar. All other subjects are selected in consultation with the faculty advisor. PhD students in ASD are expected to enroll in the Pro-Seminar during their first year in residence. The Pro-Seminar is meant to provide a rigorous grounding with a focus on specific research topics related to architecture and design practice. Students must maintain an average grade of B or better in each year of study.


General Examination


The general examination is given after the required subject work is completed and is taken at the beginning of the fifth term of residence. The general examination is meant to show broad and detailed competence in the student’s field of concentration and supporting areas of study. The student’s advisory committee in consultation with the student decides on the content and format of the general examination.


Thesis Proposal


The PhD thesis is a major work that makes an original scholarly contribution. It is the main focus of the doctoral programme in ASD, and it serves as the primary indicator of a PhD student’s ability to carry out significant independent research. The student’s thesis committee approves the dissertation topic, and supervises the research and writing of the dissertation. The student’s advisor is always a member of the thesis committee and typically serves as its chair. The chair must be a member of the ASD faculty. When specialized guidance is necessary, one of the three members of the thesis committee may be selected from outside of ASD. Approval of the thesis topic is gained through the acceptance of a proposal submitted by the student before the end of the fifth term of residence to his or her thesis committee.


Thesis Defence


An oral defence of the completed thesis in front of the student’s dissertation committee is required. The committee may accept the thesis at the oral defence or may ask for revisions. The PhD is awarded after two copies of the defended, approved, archival-ready dissertation have been submitted to ASD.