ST Engineering-SUTD Centre for Smart Systems


Smart cities are a global phenomenon and many opportunities have arisen worldwide for innovative technologies to be implemented into cities to better connect people and devices, optimise resources and further automate daily services and tasks. With the intent to address challenges and meet the needs of growing Smart Cities worldwide, ST Engineering and the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) have, since Dec 2015, established the ST Engineering-SUTD Centre for Smart Systems. As a leading centre in translational R&D, the centre researches and develops innovative solutions in the form of frontier Smart System technologies, which aim to improve the quality of life for citizens in Smart Cities and contribute to sustainable living.


The centre will provide a platform for researchers to collaborate and exchange innovative thinking, to facilitate the creation of new R&D ideas and solutions. By leveraging ST Engineering’s global business networks and other strategic partnerships, the centre also provides a channel for made-in-Singapore Intellectual Property (IP) Smart Cities solutions to be directly commercialised for SUTD researchers and any other collaborators with the centre alike. At the same time, the strengths of SUTD’s unique transdisciplinary and use-inspired research ensures that the centre is also able to translate new knowledge and research into smart technological solutions to solve real-world problems.

In short, the centre synergises the established engineering capabilities and innovative cultures of both ST Engineering and SUTD, as both take a problem-solving approach and multi-disciplinary mind-set towards business and R&D.

Operating Model

The centre has incorporated a versatile operating model to facilitate collaborations between ST Engineering and SUTD. This flexibility and responsiveness is essential to addressing the needs and opportunities that may arise in the fast evolving Smart Nation drive. With the IP and collaboration framework between ST Engineering and SUTD in place, new collaborative R&D programmes and projects can be initiated and executed easily and rapidly, and their outcomes can be readily translated into products and solutions.

Areas of Focus

Supported by funding from ST Engineering and various agencies, the centre has embarked on over 10 research and development projects in its three key innovation focus areas: Smart Cities Technologies and Solutions, Smart Automation, and Smart Digital Manufacturing. The centre is poised for further growth, together with ST Engineering and SUTD, to make a significant impact on Singapore’s Smart Nation drive as well as global developments of smart cities.