Research news

169 result(s)
Researchers develop process flow for high-res 3D printing of mini soft robotic actuators
Researchers develop process flow for high-res 3D printing of mini soft robotic actuators
29 August 2019
SUTD, SUSTech and ZJU researchers’ proposed process flow guides 3D printing of miniature soft pneumatic actuators. Integrating the prints into a robotic system offers potential applications in jet-engine maintenance and minimally invasive surgery.
Researchers8217 review paper reveal insights into high quality fabrication of nanocomposites
Researchers’ review paper reveal insights into high quality fabrication of nanocomposites
26 August 2019
SUTD together with research collaborators provide much needed analysis and review of the emerging research on particle reinforced metal matrix nanocomposites with selective laser melting, charting out possibilities for engineering applications.
Researchers demonstrate three-dimensional quantum hall effect for the first time
Researchers demonstrate three-dimensional quantum hall effect for the first time
15 August 2019
The three-dimensional quantum Hall effect was predicted more than 30 years ago, but has not been observed until now by the Singapore University of Technology and Design together with international researchers.
Paradoxical Survival Examining the Parrondo effect across biology
Paradoxical Survival: Examining the Parrondo effect across biology
05 August 2019
“Every cell, organism and species, and species assemblage and ecosystem, is necessarily mortal, yet the biosphere persists,” said Assistant Professor Cheong.
SUTD researchers develop a rapid low-cost method to 3D print microfluidic devices
SUTD researchers develop a rapid, low-cost method to 3D print microfluidic devices
04 August 2019
“By controlling the distance between the top and bottom substrates, we were able to precisely reduce the channel width up to around 30 microns.” said lead author Terry Ching, a graduate student from SUTD.
SUTD researchers developed a unique method of fabricating 3D porous structures
SUTD researchers developed a unique method of fabricating 3D porous structures
31 July 2019
Researchers from SUTD’s Soft Fluidics Lab developed a novel 3D printing method to fabricate 3D porous models in one single step.
Published Paper in Nature Journal
Published Paper in Nature Journal
26 June 2019

Congratulations to Assistant Professor Yang Shengyuan for the published paper in the Nature Journal.

It is the first experimental demonstration of an interesting quantum effect, called the three-dimensional quantum Hall effect. This effect was predicted more than 30 years ago, but has not been observed until this published work.

To read the published paper, please click here.

ScienMag has recently published an article about this research project. To read the article, please click here.

This research highlight can also be found at

Publication of Paper in Angewandte Chemie International Edition IF 12102  Liu Xiaogang
Publication of Paper in Angewandte Chemie International Edition (IF: 12.102) – Liu Xiaogang
19 June 2019

Charge transfer and separation is a fundamental process in the energy conversion that powers life on earth. Besides being used in solar cells and photocatalyst, this process is even in photosynthesis as it enables energy conversion by harvesting light and then transferring and converting into chemical energy.

To view the paper highlights, please go to
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3D microchannels promote self-assembly of ordered emulsions at low droplet concentrations
3D microchannels promote self-assembly of ordered emulsions at low droplet concentrations
06 June 2019

Team of SUTD researchers led by Assistant Professor Michinao Hashimoto has discovered an elegant way to achieve self-assembly of low density droplets in microfluidic flows using three dimensional (3D) microchannels.

SUTD Researchers Enhance Security in Proof of Stake Blockchain Protocols
SUTD Researchers Enhance Security in Proof of Stake Blockchain Protocols
17 May 2019
SUTD researchers designed a generalised multiplicative weights algorithm to update individual validators’ profiles according to their voting behaviour, consensus outcome and collective blockchain welfare.

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