Research news

38 result(s)
Oscillation Assisted 3D Printing Renders Ultrafast Fabrication of Microlens Array
Oscillation Assisted 3D Printing Renders Ultrafast Fabrication of Microlens Array
15 October 2019

With increasing demand for miniaturization of optoelectronics, microlens array has attracted significant attention and become an important micro-optics device widely used in compact imaging, sensing, optical communication and others. Typically, microlens array consists of multiple micron-sized lenses with optical surface smoothness and superior uniformity, which increases the requirement for machining precision.

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Oscillation assisted 3D printing renders ultrafast fabrication of microlens array
Oscillation assisted 3D printing renders ultrafast fabrication of microlens array
15 October 2019
Researchers from SUTD and SUSTech proposed an approach which integrated oscillation-assisted DLP 3D printing with grayscale UV exposure to render an ultrafast and flexible fabrication of microlens arrays with optical surface smoothness.
SUTD Physicists Unlock the Mystery of Thermionic Emission in Graphene
SUTD Physicists Unlock the Mystery of Thermionic Emission in Graphene
07 October 2019
Without relying on the Dirac cone approximation, this new thermionic emission model allows a wide array of graphene-based devices operating at different temperatures and energy regimes to be universally described under a single framework
SUTD Researchers Revolutionize 3D Printed Products with Data-Driven Design Method
SUTD Researchers Revolutionize 3D Printed Products with Data-Driven Design Method
23 September 2019
SUTD demonstrated this new cost-effective, data-driven approach by designing and 3D printing an ankle brace that has varying degrees of rigidity to provide both comfort and support for the user.
New Approach for Modern Power Grids that Increases Efficiency Reduces Cost
New Approach for Modern Power Grids that Increases Efficiency, Reduces Cost
16 September 2019
SUTD worked with international researchers to develop a novel approach to allow for a small, well-defined risk of constraint violation to overcome the challenges that come with conservative current approaches used in modern power grids.
SUTDs Research on a Multi-Robot System Wins Outstanding Paper Award at IEEE MRS 2019
SUTD’s Research on a Multi-Robot System Wins Outstanding Paper Award at IEEE MRS 2019
12 September 2019
ORION is a first-of-its-kind multi-robot system made up of a wheeled ground unit, miniature and wall-climbing robots to form a scalable swarming system similar to ant colonies.
Researchers develop process flow for high-res 3D printing of mini soft robotic actuators
Researchers develop process flow for high-res 3D printing of mini soft robotic actuators
29 August 2019
SUTD, SUSTech and ZJU researchers’ proposed process flow guides 3D printing of miniature soft pneumatic actuators. Integrating the prints into a robotic system offers potential applications in jet-engine maintenance and minimally invasive surgery.
Researchers8217 review paper reveal insights into high quality fabrication of nanocomposites
Researchers’ review paper reveal insights into high quality fabrication of nanocomposites
26 August 2019
SUTD together with research collaborators provide much needed analysis and review of the emerging research on particle reinforced metal matrix nanocomposites with selective laser melting, charting out possibilities for engineering applications.
Researchers demonstrate three-dimensional quantum hall effect for the first time
Researchers demonstrate three-dimensional quantum hall effect for the first time
15 August 2019
The three-dimensional quantum Hall effect was predicted more than 30 years ago, but has not been observed until now by the Singapore University of Technology and Design together with international researchers.
Paradoxical Survival Examining the Parrondo effect across biology
Paradoxical Survival: Examining the Parrondo effect across biology
05 August 2019
“Every cell, organism and species, and species assemblage and ecosystem, is necessarily mortal, yet the biosphere persists,” said Assistant Professor Cheong.

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