Research news
SUTD developed a simple method to print planar microstructures of polysiloxane
Researchers Review Advances in 3D Printing of High-Entropy Alloys
SUTD Scientists Led Development of Novel Acoustofluidic Technology that Isolates Submicron Particles in Nanocavities
General Descriptor Sparks Advancements in Dye Chemistry
SUTD collaborates with international researchers to move away from inefficient trial-and-error developments in dye chemistry and quantitatively design luminescent materials.
Researchers from SUTD, DICP, and POSTECH developed a theoretical descriptor ΔE for predicting PET-based fluorescence probes; utilizing this descriptor, they quantitatively designed fluorescent stains of lipid droplets and mitochondria for live-cell bioimaging.
There is an ongoing demand in biological research to accelerate the development of fluorescent probes based on the photo-induced electron transfer (PET) mechanism. By modulating PET formations, these probes significantly change fluorescence intensities, allowing a convenient route to monitor analytes or environmental changes with high sensitivity, vivid visibility and excellent spatiotemporal resolution.
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General Descriptor Sparks Advancements in Dye Chemistry
To Make an Atom-Sized Machine, You Need a Quantum Mechanic
SUTD research shows evidence that bilingualism delays the brain’s aging process
The study found that seniors who speak two languages actively tend to maintain specific executive control abilities against natural age-related declines.