Research news

169 result(s)
LEGO stacking of 2D materials brings us a step closer to ultracompact memory and spintronic tech
LEGO stacking of 2D materials brings us a step closer to ultracompact memory and spintronic tech
29 June 2022

Different species of 2D materials can be ‘LEGO-stacked’ into a van der Waals heterostructure; SUTD scientists designed a novel functional 2D hybrid material for ultracompact memory and spintronic device applications.

SUTD study uncovers how Chinas dams are operated along the Lancang-Mekong river
SUTD study uncovers how China’s dams are operated along the Lancang-Mekong river
31 May 2022

Detailed knowledge about water release decisions from big hydropower dams allows for more effective transboundary water management efforts.

Teaching underwater stingray robots to swim faster and with greater precision using machine learning
Teaching underwater stingray robots to swim faster and with greater precision using machine learning
11 May 2022

Researchers developed a new approach to model the dynamics of underwater stingray-like robots, enabling more efficient swimming in complex underwater environments.

SUTD develops design-based activity to enhance students understanding in electrochemistry
SUTD develops design-based activity to enhance students’ understanding in electrochemistry
08 May 2022

The electrochemistry designette enables students to visually demonstrate their proficiency in electrochemistry, and allows for instructors’ quicker intervention when misconceptions arise.

Chandelion Chanel x AirLab SUTD for Circularity
Chandelion: Chanel x AirLab SUTD for Circularity
29 April 2022

Chandelion: Chanel x AirLab SUTD for Circularity

What is a conductive Nernst Equation and how will it transform technology - A 133-year electrochemical conundrum
What is a conductive Nernst Equation, and how will it transform technology? – A 133-year electrochemical conundrum
12 April 2022

Researchers developed first principles-based charge transport equations for electrode-electrolyte current modelling.

Physics, Chemistry
SUTD unlocks new method to 3D print complex functional components for soft robotics
SUTD unlocks new method to 3D print complex, functional components for soft robotics
07 April 2022

With the enhancement of Freeform Liquid 3D Printing, engineers and designers are now able to fabricate more intricate, yet stronger 3D printed soft robots.

SUTD researchers develop low-cost electroporation device that could expand global access to cancer drugs
SUTD researchers develop low-cost electroporation device that could expand global access to cancer drugs
11 February 2022

SUTD developed a microsize-gap multiple-shot electroporation (M2E) device that could improve the effectiveness of delivering cancer drugs at a lower cost, globally.

SUTD sets its sights on chalcogenide nanostructured displays
SUTD sets its sights on chalcogenide nanostructured displays
19 January 2022

An Earth abundant material, antimony trisulphide, shows potential for high resolution video displays.

How do children learn to trust an adults non-verbal cues
How do children learn to trust an adult’s non-verbal cues?
23 December 2021

In judging a communicator’s trustworthiness, children consider their track record of accuracy and degree of access to knowledge, find SUTD researchers.


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