41 result(s)
Channel 8 News did a segment on electricity safety and interviewed SMT senior lecturer Dr Teo Tee Hui for his opinions
30 April 2021
Channel 8 News did a segment on electricity safety and interviewed SMT senior lecturer, Dr Teo Tee Hui for his opinions

Watch the Channel 8 News segment here:


Dr Teo Tee Hui Featured on Capital 958FM on Battery Recycling and Power Saving
05 April 2021
Dr Teo Tee Hui Featured on Capital 958FM on “Battery Recycling and Power Saving”

Capital 958 FM broadcasted an interview with SMT senior lecturer Dr Teo Tee Hui on his opinions regarding recycling batteries and energy saving. The interview clip can be found here.


Dr Massimiliano Colla  Contribution to South East CDC new pilot programme
26 March 2021
Dr Massimiliano Colla – Contribution to South East CDC new pilot programme

Dr Massimiliano Colla and his project team, FarMe, contributed to the new pilot programme “My First Break (MFB) Alumni – Urban Farming and 3D Printing Programme” by South East CDC – My First Break (MDB).

Click here to read on.


Congratulations to the SUTD Award Winners
26 March 2021
More dates available
Congratulations to the SUTD Award Winners

Congratulations to the following faculty who have been awarded SUTD Awards 2021.


SMT Inaugural Newsletter
02 March 2021
SMT Inaugural Newsletter

SMT has launched our inaugural newsletter! To read more, please download from here.


Dr Tan Da Yang Receives SMP Outstanding Mentor Award
25 February 2021
Dr Tan Da Yang Receives SMP Outstanding Mentor Award

Congratulations to Dr Tan Da Yang for receiving the 2020 Science Mentorship Programme (SMP) Outstanding Mentor Award!


Story on the Transformation of Education through Design  Seniors from the SUTD lending a hand to their juniors
16 December 2020
Story on the Transformation of Education through Design – Seniors from the SUTD lending a hand to their juniors

When the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) assembled a time capsule to mark its 10th anniversary in 2019, one of the items it included was the prototype of a cable-guided, sugar propulsion rocket.

Conceptualised by a group of senior students in 2015, it forms the basis of a compulsory week-long design project, named 2D, done by all freshmen of SUTD.

The first-year students are expected to modify the rocket to ensure it hits the target distance of between 17m and 18m.

In the process, they are expected to apply knowledge learnt from Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics and Humanities, Arts and Social sciences, which are subjects they are concurrently taking.


Advance Higher Education Fellowships at SUTD  Dr Lee Chee Huei
22 October 2020
Advance Higher Education Fellowships at SUTD – Dr. Lee Chee Huei

Congratulations to Senior Lecturer Lee Chee Huei, who has been recognized internationally as having achieved the status of Fellow by AdvanceHE.


The Fellowship recognizes personal and institutional commitment to professionalism in learning and teaching in higher education. This involved submitting a reflective portfolio of teaching practices, with supportive evidences.


Dr Massimiliano Colla  SUTD Lean LaunchPad Series
21 October 2020
Dr Massimiliano Colla – SUTD Lean LaunchPad Series

Dr Masimiliano Colla on his take of using machine learning and computer vision to enhance the quality of farm products.

To understand more about what his team does, click here to find out more.


Dr Teo Tee Hui featured on CNA  Taking care of reusable masks amid COVID-19
20 October 2020
Dr Teo Tee Hui featured on CNA – Taking care of reusable masks amid COVID-19

COVID-19 precautions have made reusable masks an indispensable part of daily life. Cheryl Goh finds out how to care for reusable masks while preserving their effectiveness.


Click here to view the video.

