Student exchange

Global Exchange Programme – GEXP (Outbound Exchange)

Why Embark on GEXP?

To better the world, first see and experience the world!

GEXP provides SUTD undergraduates a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to experience an international education and cultural immersion. To live and study in another country is an exciting opportunity that promises a fulfilling and rewarding experience!

  • Develop global perspectives
  • Cultural immersion
  • Networking opportunities
  • Personal and professional growth
  • Ambassador of SUTD and Singapore
  • Value add to your resume
What is GEXP?
  • Spend a term at an overseas host university in Fall Term (after Term 5) or Spring Term (Term 6). ASD students are only eligible for exchange in Fall Term as you need to undergo Term 6 in SUTD
  • Transfer up to 48 SUTD credits for passed courses towards fulfilling SUTD graduating requirements 
  • Grades will not be transferred and counted towards CGPA
  • Continue to pay Term 6 tuition fees (including Compulsory Miscellaneous Fees) to SUTD while tuition fees at the host university is waived
  • Enrolled as full-time SUTD Student (students currently on leave of absence or gap year are not eligible)
  • Sound academic record of CGPA of 3.0 and above at the point of application (students should maintain the CGPA of 3.0 and above every term up till the exchange term without failing any subjects before embarking on exchange)
  • Pass all subjects (students should ensure that any outstanding boot camps or re-tests should not happen during their exchange term)
  • A clean disciplinary record
  • Satisfy host country’s CGPA and/or other academic requirements
  • ​Outstanding Fifth Row records​
  • Eager to learn new things, make new friends and embrace new cultures
  • Ensure no restrictions involving overseas study, if holding any existing scholarship
  • ​Motivated to be a strong ambassador for SUTD and Singapore
  • Have sufficient financial means to self-pay for all necessary exchange expenses
  • Satisfy host country’s entry requirements for nationality
Process and Timeline^
Process First Application Cycle
Fall and Spring Term                                        
Second Application Cycle
Supplementary Application for Spring Term
(Pre-Application and Research)
September to October February
Online Application October to November February to March
Interview November to December March to April
Application Result and Offer Acceptance January to February April to May
Finalise Study Plan Fall: January to August
Spring: May to December
May to December
Nomination and Application to Host University Fall: February to April
Spring: May to October
May to October
Acceptance by Host University Fall: May to June
Spring: October to November
October to November
Pre-Departure Fall: June to July
Spring: November to December
November to December
Depart for Exchange Fall: August to September
Spring: January to February
January to February
Return and Complete Deliverables Fall: January to March
Spring: April to July
April to July

^ The above Process and Timeline is for reference only and is subjected to changes.

*Only Spring Term remaining slots are available during Second Application Cycle. ASD students are not eligible for Second Application Cycle as you need to undergo Term 6 in SUTD

  • GEXP first application cycle (for Fall and Spring term) is open to all Term 3 students in October/November annually, while the second application cycle (supplementary application for Spring term) is open in February/March. Students will be informed via email.
  • Students will choose up to 4 host universities in order of preference and corresponding exchange term during application.
  • Students should do thorough research on partner universities and course planning before application.
  • Students must complete SUTD official internship of 16 weeks and ensure their GEXP does not clash with the internship period and/or other commitments.
    • GEXP Fall (after Term 5):Students would go on internship after GEXP.
    • GEXP Spring (Term 6):Students must complete internship before GEXP. Students may choose to do a summer local or overseas internship after GEXP only if their GEXP ends before commencement of the official internship period.
      Note: Refer to the list of Partner Universities below for summer overseas internship opportunities.
  • Students are responsible for all exchange-related expenses such as airfare, meals, accommodation, transport insurance, visa, books and supplies and other personal expenses, including any additional costs for quarantine and tests as required by host country and Singapore upon return.
  • Students should consider their personality, maturity and adaptability. One must desire to interact, be flexible and take things in their stride when the going gets tough.
Selection and Interview
  • Exchange spots are extremely limited. Students will be considered holistically based on academic merit, leadership in Fifth Row, application essay, suitability of proposed study plan and selection interview, subject to availability of host university exchange spots and suitability to go on GEXP. 
  • Bonus: From AY2022 cohort onwards, students who have participated in Freshmore Asian Cross-curricular Trips (FACT) will stand a higher chance during exchange allocation for GEXP (assuming all things equal, but not guaranteed). 
  • ​The ranking of university choices during application affects the chance of securing an exchange spot. Students should be mindful of choosing only popular universities with limited spots.
  • Shortlisted applicants will be informed via email for an interview.
  • SUTD decision on the application outcome is final and cannot be disputed. Appeal to change the offered host university will not be entertained. SUTD is not required to justify the decision on the application outcome. No appeal, discussion and/or correspondence will be entertained.
  • SUTD exchange offer does not constitute a guaranteed enrollment into the host university. The host university reserves the right to accept or decline a student’s application.
  • For SUTD Students: For more information, please refer to GEXP Resources (login with SUTD email)
Financial Aid
  • There are various awards and scholarships available to students embarking on GEXP. Eligible SUTD students will be invited by email to apply. Students who are under any awards/scholarships that directly fund their overseas exchange expenses will not be eligible. Check out the Terms and Conditions.
  • Singapore Citizens with Post-Secondary Education Account (PSEA)will be able to utilise their PSEA for reimbursement of exchange-related expenses (such as airfare, accomodation, VISA, insurance and transport, excluding personal expenses), subjected to approval by OSA and MOE. Students who are on any Scholarship(s) that fund overseas exchange will not be eligible for PSEA reimbursement.
Exchange Awards and Scholarships
Award / Scholarship Eligibility
KKH – SUTD Exchange Award
Quantum: SGD5,000
  • All nationalities
  • CGPA ≥3.0
  • PCI ≤SGD2,500
Wilmar – SUTD Exchange Award
Quantum: SGD5,000
  • All nationalities
  • CGPA ≥3.0
  • PCI ≤SGD2,500
Lim Joo Boon – SUTD Exchange Award
Quantum: SGD5,000
  • Singapore Citizens and Singapore Permanent Residents
  • CGPA ≥3.0
  • PCI ≤SGD2,500
  • Host universities in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Thailand
ASEM DUO-Singapore Exchange Fellowship Award
Quantum: EURO4,000
  • Singapore Citizens, Singapore Permanent Residents and Citizens of ASEAN member countries
  • CGPA ≥3.0
  • Awarded in pairs of students coming from and going to the same universities, with each pair comprising 1 SUTD student and 1 inbound exchange student
  • For selected European host universities
  • Only for Fall term exchange
Meiban Group Exchange Award
Quantum: SGD8,000
  • Singapore Citizens and Singapore Permanent Residents
  • CGPA ≥3.0
  • For students pursuing EPD Beyond Industry 4.0 Track
  • Only for Spring term exchange
Canada-ASEAN Scholarships and Educational Exchanges for Development (SEED)
Quantum: CAD10,200
  • Singapore Citizens and Citizens of ASEAN member state
  • For selected Canadian host universities
  • Eligible applicants will be nominated to host university, review and award is subjected to host university discretion
  • Successful applicants will not be eligible for other exchange scholarships and awards

Partner Universities

1 Recommended for EPD Specialisation Track – Beyond Industry 4.0 
2 Available to ASD students only
3 Internship opportunities are available after GEXP 
4 Available to CSD students only


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