SUTD-Duke-NUS Special Track

The SUTD-Duke-NUS Special Track nurtures future clinicians with a foundation in engineering or architecture who can think creatively and work across disciplines.

The SUTD-Duke-NUS Special Track pathway

SUTD undergraduate programme

Students may choose to pursue any of the following degrees for the SUTD undergraduate programme (8 Terms).

Duke-NUS Medical School MD programme

Upon completion of the SUTD undergraduate programme satisfying the full acceptance criteria for the Doctor of Medicine (MD) programme, students can expect to receive the final admission offer from Duke-NUS at the end of Term 6* in SUTD. Students can then proceed to join the Duke-NUS orientation programme in July, after the completion of Term 8 in SUTD**.


Bachelor of Engineering / Science
(8 Terms**)
Doctor of Medicine
Duke-NUS Medical School
(4 years)
  • Clinical mentors and advising sessions
  • Medical specialties workshops
  • Duke-NUS Alumni Clinical Observership (DACO)
  • Internship in a healthcare setting
  • Healthcare Capstone project
  • Community projects
  • Fundamental Science Workshop
  • MCAT Introduction Session
  • Team Lead Session
  • Academic medicine partnership with SingHealth
  • US-style medical course delivered through interactive team-based learning
  • Degree jointly awarded by Duke University School of Medicine and NUS


* Students will need to submit an MD application in Term 6. This application is a clerical necessity and does not imply that students are re-applying to medical school.


** Special Track students who matriculated before AY2020 will have to take 5 courses in Term 7 and 3 courses in Term 8 in order to complete the undergraduate programme requirements by July. The normal track undergraduate programme usually completes in August for students who matriculated before AY2020.

Academic calendar for SUTD-Duke-NUS Special Track

Besides the calendar below, you may also refer to the academic pathways by pillars for detailed mapping of courses as a reference for planning and monitoring throughout the course of your undergraduate programme at SUTD.

[Note: For students matriculated in AY2023 and earlier, please refer to the respective calendars – AY2020 to AY2023, or before AY2020]