SUTD develops original mini AI model with performance that surpasses many existing open source language models
A team led by Associate Professor Lu Wei, Associate Head (Research), Information Systems Technology and Design, Singapore University of Technology and Design, launched the AI model “TinyLlama”, an open-source small language model with 1.1 billion parameters, and pre-trained with 3 trillion tokens.
Congratulations to Associate Professor Lu Wei and his team for their successful launch of new AI Model “TinyLlama”
Congratulations to Associate Professor Lu Wei and his team for their successful launch of new AI Model “TinyLlama”
When only a Ghost (Ghoul) could freeze 5G connection and that too over-the-air
5G NR (New Radio) is one of the communication technologies that have and will continue to revolutionize the industry sector.
Congratulations to Assistant Professor Soujanya Poria for receiving the 2024 IEEE CIS Outstanding Early Career Award
Congratulations to Assistant Professor Soujanya Poria for receiving the 2024 IEEE CIS Outstanding Early Career Award
SUTD Student Discovers “High Severity” Security Flaws in 5G Qualcomm Chips
A security flaw which could have wiped out 5G connection for about 59% of the world’s mobile phones was recently discovered by a recent SUTD PhD graduate student.
Congratulations to Associate Professor Lu Wei and his PhD Students for winning the Outstanding Paper Award at EMNLP 2023
Congratulations to Associate Professor Lu Wei and his PhD Students for winning the Outstanding Paper Award at EMNLP 2023
Congratulations to Professor Zhou Jianying and his visiting PhD Student for receiving the Distinguished Paper Award at ACSAC 2023
Congratulations to Professor Zhou Jianying and his visiting PhD Student for receiving the Distinguished Paper Award at ACSAC 2023
SUTD Researchers Develop First-of-its-kind Artificial Intelligence Model that Controls Music with Prompts
Dreaming of making your own music like Taylor Swift only you have no musical inclination at all? Fret not. Researchers from the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) have developed the first-of-its-kind music-domain-knowledge-inspired Artificial Intelligence (AI) model that generates music from text prompts.
Congratulations to Assistant Professor Xiong Zehui for being awarded Highly Cited Researcher 2023
Congratulations to Assistant Professor Xiong Zehui for being awarded Highly Cited Researcher 2023
SUTD’s AI Specialist Joins Prestigious MIT List of Young Innovators
In a world that is still trying to understand and appreciate the full capabilities of AI, Assistant Prof Soujanya Poria is trailblazing a path in the field of conversational AI, earning him a place in the prestigious list of MIT Technology Review’s 2023 Under 35 Innovators for Asia-Pacific.