Cross Vision-RF Gait Re-identification with Low-cost RGB-D Cameras and mmWave Radars
Dongjiang Cao, Ruofeng Liu, Hao Li, Shuai Wang, Wenchao Jiang, and Chris Xiaoxuan Lu, 2022, Proceedings of the 2021 ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT’21)
Designing Socially Interactive, Robotic Environments through Pattern Languages
Yixiao Wang and Keith Evan Green, 2022, In proceedings of Fourteenth IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Environment (IE), accepted., Fourteenth IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Environments (IE)
A Machine Learning Approach for MIDI to Guitar Tablature Conversion
Kaliakatsos-Papakostas N., Bastas G., Makris D., Herremans D., Katsouros V., Maragos P., 2022, Sound and Music Computing Conference (SMC)
HEAR 2021: Holistic Evaluation of Audio Representations
oseph Turian, Jordie Shier, Humair Raj Khan, Bhiksha Raj, Björn W. Schuller, Christian J. Steinmetz, Colin Malloy, George Tzanetakis, Gissel Velarde, Kirk McNally, Max Henry, Nicolas Pinto, Camille Noufi, Christian Clough, Dorien Herremans, Eduardo Fonseca, Jesse Engel, Justin Salamon, Philippe Esling, Pranay Manocha, Shinji Watanabe, Zeyu Jin, Yonatan Bisk, 2022,
A Buffer-Based Adaptive Bitrate Approach in Wireless Networks with Iterative Correction
Liu, Jingling; Liu, Zhuoran; Huang, Jiawei; Jiang, Wenchao; Wang, Jianxin, 2022, IEEE Wireless Communications Letters
Reliability assessment of patched SCADA EMS/DMS servers through similarity matching
J. Biswas, D.K.Y. Yau, Z. Li, M. Yu, I.L. Koh, K.N. Tan, Z. Zhang, J. Chua, W.A. Tso, Y.K. Heng, 2022, IEEE Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT, New Orleans, LA, USA
Worst-case Rigidity Analysis and Optimization for Assemblies with Mechanical Joints
Zhenyuan Liu, Jingyu Hu, Hao Xu, Peng Song, Ran Zhang, Bernd Bickel, and Chi-Wing Fu, 2022, Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. of Eurographics), accepted
Single Image Video Prediction with Auto-Regressive GANs
Huang J, Chia YK, Yu S, Yee K, Küster D, Krumhuber EG, Herremans D, Roig G, 2022, Sensors. 2022; 22(9):3533
Conditional Drums Generation using Compound Word Representations
Makris D., Guo Z, Kaliakatsos-Papakostas N., Herremans D., 2022, Proceedings of EvoMUSART,
MusIAC: An extensible generative framework for Music Infilling Application with multi-level Control
Guo R, Simpton I., Kiefer C., Magnusson T, Herremans D., 2022, Proceedings of EvoMUSART,