The Art of Influencing with Social Media and Content Marketing

Programme Outline

Learning Objectives and Structure
  1. Understand the fundamentals of Social Media landscape
  2. Learn how to build a Social Media Marketing Strategy/Plan
  3. Learn about Social Media Measurement Metrics
  4. Understand the different Social Media platforms
  5. Develop Customer Personas for Content Strategy
  6. Develop framework for Content Strategy across different platforms
  7. Create meaningful and relevant content for your brand
  8. Understand Influencer Marketing and its Tools & Techniques

Programme Structure: Participants will go through 4 days of training, including sharing sessions from real-life influencers as they share their experience in content creation. Participants will return on the last day to conduct a presentation as part of the course assessment.


Day 1
  • Understanding the Social Media history, trends and landscape
  • Introduction to different Social Media platforms and marketing models
  • Industry sharing – different roles, players and collaboration models
  • Social Media, Artificial Intelligence & Technology (The Future of Social Media)
Day 2
  • Behind The Scenes – Visiting Content Creators / Social Media Agencies / Client Marketers
Day 3
  • Debrief of Day 2 Visit
  • Developing Social Media Content Marketing Strategy
  • Understanding social media measurement metrics
  • Develop Customer Persona for Content Strategy
  • Hands-on Content Creation for Social Media Platforms
Day 4
  • Introduction to Influencer Marketing
  • Developing an Influencer Marketing Strategy
  • Managing Influencer Relationship & Pitfalls to avoid
  • Consultation for Final Project/Presentation
Day 5
  • Project Presentation

Participants to complete a simple assessment and final project to evaluate course understanding and augment learning outcomes.


Subject Credits

Upon completion and satisfying the requirements of passing this course, learners will be awarded 12 subject credits.

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