URA Changi region economic visioning workshop
During the workshop, plans for the region in the medium-term were shared. 90 participants from government and industry leaders to business operators and workers to visitors and residents from the Changi region were invited to share their thoughts and experience to shape its development.
The objective of the workshop is to understand the perspective of the various stakeholders which is essential to enhance Changi Airport’s status as a leading global gateway and destination, and to gather insights on possible synergistic developments in key nodes such as Changi North and Changi City.

DSO design innovation workshop: Rapid development of innovative systems
Held over 3-days, participants were introduced to the DI process and DI capabilities for Product, Service and Systems projects. Participants then applied the DI process and used Designer’s sensibility and methods, to come up with Innovative ideas, rapid prototyping, and a pitching session to present their ideas.

Design innovation leadership workshop with Singtel
The IDC conducted a Design Innovation Leadership Workshop for senior leaders from Singtel. Through the 2-day workshop, participants experienced a transformational learning journey of advanced design and engineering methods that will allow them to lead, build and instill a culture of design and innovation.

Founders’ memorial
- Design and curated Phase 2 and Phase 4 of Public Engagement in 2016, 2017 and 2019. Design a methodology comprising crowdsourcing tools to gather real-time feedback coupled with hands-on prototyping activities aimed at engaging the public on the desired (i) visitor experience, (ii) programmes and (iii) physical features, as well as the site options for the Founders’ Memorial.
- Phase 2 – Sep16 to Feb 17, >700 participants, workshop process for visitor experience and setting. Bay East Garden as possible site.
- Phase 4 – May 2019. Public Consultation on shortlisted designs

LTA CR16 project mentoring
- We co-created training content with LTA that integrates DI & System Thinking into LTA in-house design training for their staff.

Happy urns
- Making conversations about death more approachable, through the receptacle of a customizable urn
- Collaboration with 2 foundations – Lien (philanthropic organisation) and Ang Chin Moh (Funeral/Casket Professional)

NLB mentoring session
A total of 10 sessions were held with the staff of NLB in order to build-up the Design Innovation capability of NLB staff, as well as to co-design with the them on the new Punggol Regional Library (PRL) that aspires to be of world-class standards.

NYC re-design re-purpose
- Revamp the Youth.SG portal using DI through a co-creation project with 5 of NYC team members
- Youth.SG part of a bigger government initiative to create a central portal for things youth in Singapore