Research Showcase

As a research-intensive university, SUTD ensures its research is relevant to and has an impact on lives and the society. Ideas and concepts are developed and translated into products, enterprises or policies, which will have concrete benefits for Singapore and Singaporeans, such as the creation of new jobs, improving Singapore’s position in the global knowledge economy, or informing national policymaking.

These efforts will in turn build a multi-disciplinary research community with an open and collaborative culture that will also advance knowledge in technology and design. In this section, we acknowledge and showcase the various research activities and highlights of the SUTD Research Centres, Pillars and Clusters.

 Research Centres

Temasek Laboratories @ SUTD
The Temasek Laboratories @ Singapore University of Technology and Design (TL@SUTD) was established collaboratively between the Ministry of Defence (MINDEF) and SUTD in October 2012 to undertake cutting-edge research and development for potential defence applications, while building up both technical and human talent capabilities in critical research areas.


Lee Kuan Yew Centre for Innovative Cities (LKYCIC)
The Lee Kuan Yew Centre for Innovative Cities (LKYCIC) at the Singapore University of Technology and Design focuses on the integrated use of technology, design and policy to study solutions for cities. The LKYCIC works with architects, designers, engineers, social scientists, and urban planners to understand the complex and critical issues of urbanisation, and to explore sustainable and innovative urban solutions.


Game Lab
The SUTD Game Lab specialises in serious game development with years of experience in commercial-level production that focuses on Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Artificial Intelligence, healthcare and education. The team goal is to establish innovation in serious game development through collaboration with SUTD faculty and industry partners and to inspire the next generation of game development through workshop, conference and mentoring.


iTrust is a Centre for Research in Cyber Security. Its research focus on the development of advanced tools and methodologies to ensure the security and safety of critical infrastructure. iTrust is the proud host of several world-class testbeds and training platforms. These testbeds and training platforms together constitute a one-of-a kind facility for research and training in the design of safe and secure large-scale critical infrastructure. 


Measurement Technologies Lab
The Measurement Technologies Laboratory (MTL) is a product of the collaboration between SUTD and Keysight, to allow SUTD researchers and Keysight R&D specialists to explore and prototype new electronics test and measurement solutions – an initiative under Keysight’s Singapore Research and Development Centre of Excellence (COE). The Keysight Technologies, Inc. (NYSE: KEYS) is a leading technology company that helps enterprises, service providers and governments accelerate innovation to connect and secure the world. 


The National Additive Manufacturing Innovation Cluster (NAMIC@SUTD) enables the Digital Future to transform and enhance industry competitiveness by jumpstarting public-private collaboration, helping companies lower barriers and translate AM technology for industrial adoption through fostering and expanding Singapore's AM eco-system; creating a platform for testing and implementation; catalysing new business growth and business models; accelerating AM standards and certification development.


Digital Manufacturing and Design Centre (DManD)
The Digital Manufacturing and Design (DManD) Centre champions research in integrated design, materials and manufacturing to enable increasingly complex cum multi-objectives designs and manufacturing. It aims to advance the frontier of sustainability through design for circularity, advanced materials and fabrications to extend useful life of resources.

The 560 m2 research studio was designed by SUTD’s architecture faculty members. The design of the studio and the furniture exemplifies the digital design and additive manufacturing capabilities in DManD. The studio houses most of the DManD’s fabrication, synthesis, characterisation, simulation and modelling equipment. It is a studio for both designers and makers.
Take a virtual tour of the centre:


Aviation Studies Institute (ASI)
The Aviation Studies Institute aims to benefit the wider aviation community by enabling stakeholders to adopt solutions that can enhance operational efficiency, increase capacity, and promote global interoperability.  ASI undertakes research projects in four main areas, Network Capacity, Airfield Management and Economics, Airport Connectivity and Information Sharing, and Collaborative Decision Making. 


SUTD Venture, Innovation and Entrepreneurship (VIE)
The SUTD Venture, Innovation and Entrepreneurship (VIE) supports aspiring entrepreneurs in the SUTD community and beyond. Students, researchers, alumni and external founders can benefit from curated venture building programmes, a range of incubation support and grants, guidance from experienced mentors and networking with investors.


SUTD - LTA Transport Research Centre (TRC)
The SUTD - LTA Transport Research Centre (TRC) leverages SUTD’s expertise to focus on issues pertinent to Singapore, such as ageing population, land scarcity and rising travel demand for public transport. The joint research and development, capability building and training activities benefits the future land transport in Singapore.


Pillars and Clusters


Architecture and Sustainable Design (ASD)
The Architecture and Sustainable Design (ASD) pillar advocates knowledge and nurtures technically grounded innovators to serve societal needs. ASD's multi-disciplinary curriculum and research build upon the transition into the digital era for the immediate and future needs of architecture, focusing on advances in digital design and fabrication, digital mass-customisation techniques, sustainable architectural and urban solutions and more.


Engineering Product Development (EPD)
The Engineering Product Development (EPD) pillar prepares students for leadership in the conception, design, implementation, and operation of innovative technology-intensive products, with emphasis on products whose development cuts across traditional disciplinary boundaries. The pillar features commitment to educational and research excellence, multidisciplinary interaction, and a focus on product development that includes close engagement with industry.


Engineering Systems and Design (ESD)
The Engineering Systems and Design (ESD) pillar integrates Data Science, Design Science, Decision Science, Logistics Analysis, as well as Finance and Economics into a unique client-focused, project-based curriculum. ESD offers focus tracks in Business Analytics and Operations Research, Financial Services and Supply Chain and Logistics.


Information Systems Technology and Design (ISTD)
The Information Systems Technology and Design (ISTD) pillar prepares students for leadership positions in areas such as software design and development, telecommunications, data analytics, consulting, and IT security. The mathematical grounding, algorithmic thinking, and intense exposure to design in the context of interdisciplinary education will enable ISTD graduates to tackle challenging problems the solutions to which require computing as a core element.


Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (HASS)
The Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (HASS) cluster is a vibrant community of research scholars and educators representing a wide range of disciplines in the humanities and social sciences. HASS offers unique learning experiences that integrate technology and design with grounding in the methods of social, behavioral and cultural inquiry.


Science, Mathematics and Technology (SMT)
The Science, Mathematics and Technology (SMT) cluster and its faculty members are active in cutting-edge research in different areas of science, mathematics and technology that cut across disciplines, and in new pedagogy to enhance learning.