SWIC Leadership

Prof Chua Chee Kai, SWIC

Centre Director

Professor Chua Chee Kai

Associate Provost (Research), and Cheng Tsang Man Chair Professor
Email: cheekai_chua@sutd.edu.sg
Telephone: +65 6303 6662
Website: https://epd.sutd.edu.sg/people/faculty/chua-chee-kai/
Research Areas: Additive Manufacturing

Assoc Prof Duan Lingjie, SWIC

Deputy Director

Associate Professor Duan Lingjie

Associate Head of Pillar (Engineering Systems and Design, Research)

Email: lingjie_duan@sutd.edu.sg
Telephone: +65 6499 4508
Website:  https://esd.sutd.edu.sg/people/faculty/lingjie-duan/

Research Areas: Computer Communications and Networking, Network Economics and (Algorithmic) Game Theory, Mobile Crowdsourcing and Distributed AI, Cognitive Radio and Networks, Green Communication Networks, Wireless and Network Security