• istd-faculty-jiang-wenchao-2021-126x150
    Wenchao Jiang Assistant Professor Information Systems Technology and Design (ISTD) 5G / 6G, Artificial Intelligence / AI, Communications and Connectivity, Interactive Computing, Internet of Things / IOT, Machine Learning, Networked and Autonomous Systems, Smart Facilities Management, Trust Technologies, Urban Mobility, Visual Computing, Wireless Networks
  • istd-faculty-jianying-zhou-2021-126x150
    Zhou Jianying Professor and Center Director for iTrust Information Systems Technology and Design (ISTD) Autonomous Vehicles, Blockchain, Cybersecurity, Internet of Things / IOT, Networked and Autonomous Systems, Resilient Infrastructure, Secure Computing, Wireless Networks
  • asd-faculty-sam-conrad-joyce-126x150
    Sam Conrad Joyce Associate Professor, PhD Programme Coordinator Architecture and Sustainable Design (ASD) Computation, Architectural Design, Computation, Architectural Design
  • asd-faculty-syafiq-jubri-2021-126x150
    Syafiq Jubri Adjunct Instructor Architecture and Sustainable Design (ASD)
  • people-smt-faculty-Shubhakar-K-default-126x150
    Shubhakar Kalya Senior Lecturer Engineering Product Development (EPD), Science, Mathematics and Technology (SMT) Electrical Engineering, Electronics Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronics Engineering
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    Lawrence Kam Adjunct Lecturer Architecture and Sustainable Design (ASD)
  • faculty-dai-ee-may-kan-126x150
    Ee May Kan Senior Lecturer
  • epd-faculty-jacob-kang-2023-126x150
    Jacob Kang Lecturer Engineering Product Development (EPD) Design Science, Digital Manufacturing, Internet of Things / IOT, Design with Artificial Intelligence, Cloud Computing, Design for Sustainability
  • epdfaculty-subburaj-karuppasamy-126x150
    Subburaj Karupppasamy Adjunct Assistant Professor Engineering Product Development (EPD) Bio-Medical Engineering, Design Science, Mechanical Engineering, Rapid Prototyping, Medical Imaging, Computer Vision, Additive Manufacturing, Big Data, Biomechanics, BioMedtech, Digital Health, Digitalisation, Early Diagnosis & Intervention, Image Processing and Analysis, Mechanobiology, MedTech Manufacturing, Preventive Health, Digital Fabrication, Computation, Healthcare
  • istd-faculty-ashraff-kassim-2021-126x150
    Ashraf Kassim Professor & Associate Provost (Education) Information Systems Technology and Design (ISTD) 3D Telepresence, Artificial Intelligence / AI, Artificial and Augmented Intelligence, Big Data, Blockchain, Computation, Computing, Data Provenance, Data Science, Deep Learning, Digital Economy, Digitalisation, Distributed Ledger Technologies, Evolutionary Computing, Federated Learning, Financial Data Analytics, Human-Machine Interfaces, Robotics, Automation and Control, Immersive Media, Infocomm Applications, Interactive Computing, Internet of Things / IOT, Machine Learning, Optimisation, Smart Nation
  • smt-faculty-sumbul-khan-2023-v2-126x150
    Sumbul Khan Senior Lecturer Science, Mathematics and Technology (SMT)
  • asd-faculty-khoo-teik-rong-2023-126x150
    Teik Rong Khoo Adjunct Senior Lecturer Architecture and Sustainable Design (ASD)