Undergraduate Curriculum

SUTD’s undergraduate curriculum is designed with an outside-in approach that starts with considering the industry’s evolving needs and delves deeply into challenges the world faces today.

Education at SUTD is customisable by the individual by building on three main blocks:

1. Mandatory Core Curriculum

2. Variable Curriculum

3. Outside the Classroom

The curriculum is enriched and supported laterally by Design Innovation, AI/Data Science and Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences.


The SUTD undergraduate programme spans approximately across 8 terms, starting from September (see academic calendar). The Freshmore terms (first 3 terms) build the foundation in Science, Mathematics and Technology and design innovation.

Students take the common and mandatory Freshmore subjects in the first year and only select their Majors after Term 3.

This approach provides a broad and rigorous education. It aims to provide the students with a strong base to select and excel in their Major of choice from Term 4.

Leveraging the world as a classroom, Freshmore students will also enjoy funded overseas immersion trips to Asian countries as part of the curriculum. The Freshmore Asian Cross-Curricular Trips allow our students to gain an overseas experience within their first year in SUTD, a pre-cursor for students to better understand the region and build networks.

In their graduating year, students participate in a two-term Capstone project (final year project) which requires them to work in teams with students from at least two differing Majors and contribute their respective expertise and skills to solving real-world challenges.

Throughout their time in SUTD, all students are also required to take up to seven classes in Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (HASS). HASS subjects complement the technical subjects to provide students with a grounding in the practice of inquiry, analysis, interpretation and presentation, developing critical thinkers. Having a good grounding in HASS also provides students with a good understanding of societal needs.


At SUTD, we believe in giving our students the flexibility for different pathways and that one-size does not fit all. Besides the selection of Majors and electives within the Majors, students may also choose to take up Minors and Specialisation Tracks or Special Programmes.

We also have subjects grouped under three different key economic sectors – Aviation, Cities, and Healthcare, supported by capabilities in Artificial Intelligence/Data Science, which are aligned with SUTD’s next phase of growth, allowing students to build a portfolio in their industry of choice.


A university experience is not complete without activities outside the classroom. Participation in these activities broaden students’ perspective, improve their communications skills and also provide an outlet for them to challenge themselves beyond the classroom.

The Independent Activities Period (IAP) - a 3-week period in January, and the 18-week vacation periods, allow students the opportunity to explore their own personal interests and activities.

Grade-free System

In addition to all subjects in Term 1 being grade-free (Pass/No Record), SUTD students can choose up to four more subjects from Terms 2 and 3 to be grade-free. With this arrangement, you can better adjust to academic life at SUTD, explore new areas that you are interested in or embrace learning in subjects in which you have no prior background in without worrying about grades.

Information correct as of 7 February 2024 and is subject to change.


SUTD Overview
ASD Brochure
CSD Brochure
DAI Brochure
EPD Brochure
ESD Brochure
HASS Brochure