International Workshop on Future Communications 2022

22 Jun 2022 - 23 Jun 2022 9.30AM to 5PM (Wed) / 9AM to 2.15PM (Thu) (+8 GMT) Virtual

The Future of Communications: 

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 Watch the full day event on our Youtube channel now.

Join us at the International Workshop on Future Communications (IWFC) 2022, as leading scientists across the industry and academe discuss 6G networks and the possibilities offered by emerging technologies.

Aside from 6G, speakers will also delve into topics including radio & wireless, future communication & networks, Wi-Fi, short-range communication, near field communication, antenna & propagation, RF/microwave & millimetre wave, 5G & beyond, MIMO, data communication, 5G/6G new radio standard, etc.

About IWFC

This is the second run of the International Workshop on Future Communications. The workshop provides an avenue for participants to build partnerships and collaboration for research excellence and innovation and stay at the forefront of the digital economy. The inaugural IWFC in 2021 was attended by guests from all over the world to hear industry and academic experts share insights into future communications. 

Highlights from IWFC 2021 

2022 Programme Schedule

Continuous Innovation of Wireless Networks from 5G to 6G

With the fast growing number of 5G networks and subscribers, 5G is driving the rapid growth of mobile data traffic with exciting new applications and enhanced user experiences. At the same time, 5G is slowly being adopted by vertical industries. Thousands of projects are being set up for testing and verifications, indicating the growing adaptations of 5G for industries in the near future. These activities are driving the continuous enhancements of the 5G network for new and expanded use cases. 5G-advanced is being standardised to meet the growing needs for the next few years. Meanwhile, industries and researchers are looking further for the next decade in both new services and breakthrough technologies. 

In this talk, a roadmap toward 6G will be discussed based on our learning from 5G deployment, society’s needs, and future technology trends. First, the latest progress of 5G commercial deployment will be briefly provided, followed by 5G-advanced. This will lead to the dicsussion of our 6G vision and future research directions including a preview of ITU-R related 6G activities.

Dr Peiying Zhu

IEEE Fellow,
Huawei Fellow,
Canadian Academy of Engineering Fellow, and
Senior Vice President, Wireless Research, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd

Peiying Zhu, Senior Vice President of Wireless Research, is a Huawei Fellow, IEEE Fellow and Fellow of Canadian Academy of Engineering. She is currently leading 5G and beyond wireless research and standardisation in Huawei. The focus of her research is advanced radio access technologies. She is actively involved in 3GPP and IEEE 802 standards development. She has been regularly giving talks and panel discussions on 5G/B5G vision and enabling technologies. She led the team to contribute significantly to 5G technologies and standardisation. She served as the guest editor for IEEE Signal processing magazine special issue on the 5G revolution and IEEE JSAC on Deployment Issues and Performance Challenges for 5G.

Prior to joining Huawei in 2009, Peiying was a Nortel Fellow and Director of Advanced Wireless Access Technology in the Nortel Wireless Technology Lab. She led the team and pioneered research and prototyping on MIMO-OFDM and Multi-hop relay. Many of these technologies developed by the team have been adopted into LTE standards and 4G products. Peiying has more than 200 granted patents.

AI-Assisted Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces (RIS) Wireless Networks

In this talk, we will present some recent results on the reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RIS) wireless network empowered by AI, in particular a deep-learning-based hybrid beamforming for RIS-empowered multi-hop teraherz communications, AI-assisted MAC, and intelligent spectrum learning with RIS. Such AI-based solution is of particular importance when the network involves multiple users, as the signals impinging upon an RIS can be contaminated by interfering signals which are usually dynamic and unknown. To address this issue, "learning" the properties of the surrounding spectral environment is a promising solution. Motivated by the convergence of artificial intelligence and spectrum sensing, we termed here as spectrum learning, the RIS controller is able to intelligently "think-and-decide" whether to reflect or not the incident signals.

Associate Professor Yuen Chau

IEEE Fellow,
Engineering Product Development (EPD), Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD)

Yuen Chau received his BEng and PhD degree from Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore, in 2000 and 2004 respectively. He was a Post-Doctoral Fellow with Lucent Technologies Bell Labs at Murray Hill in 2005. From 2006 to 2010, he was with the Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R), Singapore, where he was involved in an industrial project on developing an 802.11n Wireless LAN system, and participated actively in 3Gpp Long Term Evolution (LTE) and LTE‐Advanced (LTE‐A) standardization. Since 2010, he has been with the Singapore University of Technology and Design. He received the IEEE Marconi Prize Paper Award in Wireless Communications 2021. Yuen Chau serves as an Editor for IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology and IEEE System Journal. He is currently an IEEE Fellow and Distinguished Lecturer of IEEE Vehicular Technology Society.

Is the Shannon’s Capacity still valid for 6G and beyond

The electromagnetic waves are vector waves from the Maxwell’s Equations. The commonly adopted assumptions such as point-source for antennas, scale waves for radio-waves, real impedance for wave propagations and real values of power used in the Shannon’s capacity etc. might not be suitable for the scenarios of 6G and beyond. Modified Shannon’s capacity has been proposed. The results show that higher modulations will result in lower channel capacities.

Professor Ma Jianguo

IEEE Fellow
Vice Dean, School of Micro-Nano Electronics, Zhejiang University (ZJU)

Ma Jianguo received the doctoral degree in engineering in 1996 from Duisburg University, Duisburg, Germany. He was a faculty member of Nanyang Technological University (NTU) of Singapore from September 1997 to December 2005 after his postdoctoral fellowship with Dalhousie University of Canada (April 1996 - September 1997). He was with the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (January 2006 - October 2009) and he served as the Dean for the School of Electronic Information Engineering and the founding director of the Qingdao Institute of Oceanic Engineering of Tianjin University (October 2009 - August 2016); he joined Guangdong University of Technology as a distinguished professor from September 2016 to August 2021. Since September 2021, Jianguo serves as the Vice Dean for the School of Micro-Nano Electronics of Zhejiang University. His research interests are: Microwave Electronics; RFIC Applications to Wireless Infrastructures; Microwave and THz Microelectronic Systems. He was a member of the IEEE University Program ad hoc Committee (2011 - 2013); member of the Editorial Board for Proceedings of IEEE (2013 - 2018). Jianguo is the Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques. He is Fellow of IEEE.

Multi-Mode MIMO Communications Beyond Beamforming

Traditional wireless receivers operate in the far-field of the transmitter and the channels only involve a few angular directions. Under these conditions, the main role of antenna arrays is beamforming: to focus the transmitted signals in the strong angular directions and focus the reception correspondingly. This feature can be realised using classical phased-array technology.

Several research developments towards 6G will change the status quo. Firstly, the carrier frequency is increasing towards the THz range, which proportionally increases the far-field limit. Secondly, the antenna array dimensionalities are increasing, particularly at the base stations, which further extends the far-field limit. Thirdly, the network densification shortens the propagation distances and increases the number of impactful propagation paths. These three factors will fundamentally change how point-to-point MIMO (multiple-input multiple-output) links must be designed in the future. We need to go beyond traditional phased-array-inspired far-field beamforming and consider the near-field focusing regime, where multiple parallel spatial layers can be transmitted using different spatial modes, even in line-of-sight scenarios with only a single angular path.

In this keynote, we will revisit the fundamentals of point-to-point MIMO communications and explore the new features that arise when operating in the radiative near-field. The relation between spatial modes, spherical wavefronts, and array geometries will be described and illustrated. The hardware requirements for exploiting spatial modes will be analysed. Are the spatial modes the next untapped signal dimensions that can sustain the capacity growth in future networks?

Professor Emil Björnson

IEEE Fellow,
Wireless Communication, KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Emil Björnson is a Professor of Wireless Communication at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden. He is an IEEE Fellow, Digital Futures Fellow, and Wallenberg Academy Fellow. He has a podcast and YouTube channel called Wireless Future. His research focuses on multi-antenna communications and radio resource management, using methods from communication theory, signal processing, and machine learning. He has authored three textbooks and has published a large amount of simulation code.

He has received the 2018 IEEE Marconi Prize Paper Award in Wireless Communications, the 2019 EURASIP Early Career Award, the 2019 IEEE Communications Society Fred W. Ellersick Prize, the 2019 IEEE Signal Processing Magazine Best Column Award, the 2020 Pierre-Simon Laplace Early Career Technical Achievement Award, the 2020 CTTC Early Achievement Award, and the 2021 IEEE ComSoc RCC Early Achievement Award. He also received six Best Paper Awards at the conferences.

Localisation-of-Things in Beyond 5G Ecosystems

The availability of real-time high-accuracy location awareness is essential for current and future wireless applications, particularly those involving Internet-of-Things and 5G ecosystem. Reliable localisation and navigation of people, objects, and vehicles – Localisation-of-Things – is a critical component for a diverse set of applications including connected communities, smart environments, vehicle autonomy, asset tracking, medical services, military systems, and crowd sensing. The coming years will see the emergence of network localisation and navigation in challenging environments with sub-meter accuracy and minimal infrastructure requirements.

We will discuss the limitations of traditional positioning and move on to the key enablers for high-accuracy location awareness in 5G and beyond 5G ecosystems.

Dr Andrea Conti

IEEE Fellow,
Wireless Communication and Localization Networks Laboratory, Department of Engineering, University of Ferrara

Andrea Conti is a professor and founding director of the Wireless Communication and Localization Networks Laboratory at the University of Ferrara, Italy. His current research topics include network localisation and navigation, distributed sensing, adaptive diversity communications, and quantum information science. He received the HTE Puskás Tivadar Medal, the IEEE Communications Society’s Stephen O. Rice Prize in the field of Communications Theory, and the IEEE Communications Society’s Fred W. Ellersick Prize. 

Andrea has served as editor for IEEE journals, as well as chaired international conferences. He has been elected Chair of the IEEE Communications Society’s Radio Communications Technical Committee. He is a co-founder and elected Secretary of the IEEE Quantum Communications & Information Technology Emerging Technical Subcommittee. He is an elected Fellow of the IEEE and of the IET, and has been selected as an IEEE Distinguished Lecturer.

Deep Reinforcement Learning for Control of Large-scale Communication Infrastructures

Deep reinforcement learning (RL) techniques have been applied to many application domains. In communications networks, deep RL has been used to solve routing, service-placement and power-allocation problems in the software defined networks (SDN) as well as the software defined coalitions (SDC) developed in the DAIS ITA Program.

Kin will begin with a brief introduction to RL. For illustration purposes, he presents use of RL to train a smart policy for synchronisation of domain controllers in order to maximise performance gains in SDN. Results show that the RL policy significantly outperforms other algorithms for inter-domain routing tasks.

As shown in the above work, a challenging issue for deep RL is the huge state and action spaces, which increase model complexity and training time beyond practical feasibility. Kin will present a method to decouple actions from the state space for the value-function learning process and a relatively simple transition model is learned to determine the action that causes the associated state transition. Experimental results show that the state-action separable RL can greatly reduce training time without noticeable performance degradation. Other methods, including embedding and state-space decomposition techniques, to reduce training time will also be briefly discussed.

The talk will conclude by highlighting the open issues for use of RL for control of large-scaled communications networks.

Professor Kin K. Leung

IEEE Fellow,
Faculty of Engineering, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Imperial College

Kin K. Leung received his Bachelor degree from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and his Master and PhD degrees from University of California, Los Angeles. He joined AT&T Bell Labs in New Jersey in 1986 and worked at its successor companies until 2004. Since then, he has been the Tanaka Chair Professor in the Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE), and Computing Departments at Imperial College in London. He serves as the Head of Communications and Signal Processing Group in the EEE Department at Imperial. His current research focuses on optimisation and machine-learning techniques for system design and control of large-scale communications, computer and sensor networks. He also works on multi-antenna and cross-layer designs for wireless networks.

He received the Distinguished Member of Technical Staff Award from AT&T Bell Labs (1994). He was elected as an IEEE Fellow (2001), received the Royal Society Wolfson Research Merits Award (2004 - 2009), and became a member of Academia Europaea (2012) and an IET Fellow (2021). Jointly with his collaborators, he received the IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc) Leonard G. Abraham Prize (2021), the US - UK Science and Technology Stocktake Award (2021), the Lanchester Prize Honorable Mention Award (1997), and best paper awards at the IEEE ICC 2019, ICDCS 2013 and PIMRC 2012, and the IET CCWMC 2009. He currently serves as the IEEE ComSoc Distinguished Lecturer (2022 - 2023). He was a member (2009 - 2011) and the chairman (2012 - 2015) of the IEEE Fellow Evaluation Committee for ComSoc. He has served as guest editor and editor for 10 IEEE and ACM journals, including previously as editor for the IEEE JSAC: Wireless Series, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, and IEEE Transactions on Communications. Currently, he chairs the Steering Committee for the IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, and is an editor for the ACM Computing Survey and International Journal on Sensor Networks.

Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Phase Change Material (PCM) Devices for Future Communications

Microwave and Millimeter-wave switches are key components in communication systems. They are used for signal routing and for realising a wide range of reconfigurable microwave and millimeter-wave devices.  Phase Change Materials (PCM) have been widely used in optical storage media and non-volatile memory device applications. Over the past recent years, there have been interest in exploiting the PCM materials such as germanium telluride (GeTe) and metal insulator transition materials such as vanadium oxides (VO2) for RF applications. The principle of operation of PCM devices is based on the ability of the material to transform from a high-resistivity state (amorphous phase) to a low-resistivity state (crystalline phase) and vice versa with the application of short duration pulses. Several orders of magnitude in resistivity change can be achieved by PCM technology allowing the realisation of highly miniature microwave and millimeter-wave switches. In addition to miniaturisation, GeTe based switches offer latching functionality and ease of monolithic integration with other RF circuits.

This talk will address recent developments in PCM switches and their applications to the realisation of switch matrices, phase shifters, attenuators and reconfigurable filters.

Professor Raafat Mansour

IEEE Fellow,
Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Waterloo

Raafat Mansour is a Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Waterloo and holds Tier 1 - Canada Research Chair (CRC) in Micro-Nano Integrated RF Systems. He held an NSERC Industrial Research Chair (IRC) for two terms (2001 - 2005 and 2006 - 2010). Prior to joining the University of Waterloo in January 2000, Raafat was with COM DEV Cambridge, Ontario, over the period 1986-1999, where he held various technical and management positions in COM DEV’s Corporate R&D Department. He holds 42 US and Canadian patents and more than 400 refereed publications to his credit. He is a co-author of a 23-chapter book published by Wiley and has contributed 6 chapters to four other books. Raafat founded the Centre for Integrated RF Engineering (CIRFE) at the University of Waterloo. It houses a clean room and a state-of-the-art RF test and characterisation laboratory. He was the Technical Program Chair of the 2012 IEEE International Microwave Symposium (IMS). He is a Fellow of the IEEE, a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering (CAE), a Fellow of the Engineering Institute of Canada (EIC). He was the recipient of the 2014 Professional Engineers Ontario (PEO) Engineering Medal for Research and Development and the 2019 IEEE Canada A.G.L. McNaughton Gold Medal Award.

Toward Reliable and Scalable Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X)

Reliable and scalable wireless transmissions for Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) are technically challenging. Each vehicle, from driver-assisted to automated one, will generate a flood of information, up to thousands of times of that by a person. Vehicle density may change drastically over time and location. Emergency messages and real-time cooperative control messages have stringent delay constraints, while infotainment applications may tolerate a certain degree of latency. On a congested road, vehicles need to exchange information badly, only to find that services are not available due to scarcity of wireless spectrum. Considering the service requirements of heterogeneous V2X applications, service guarantee relies on an in-depth understanding of network performance and innovations in wireless resource management.

In this talk, we compare the performance of vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) beacon broadcasting using random access-based (IEEE 802.11p) and resource allocation-based (C-V2X) protocols and introduce several enhancement strategies to mitigate packet collisions, recover from transmission errors, and support two-user non-orthogonal transmissions.  

Professor Lin Cai

IEEE Fellow,
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Victoria

Lin Cai is a Professor with the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering at the University of Victoria. She is an NSERC E.W.R. Steacie Memorial Fellow, an Engineering Institute of Canada (EIC) Fellow, and an IEEE Fellow. In 2020, she was elected as a Member of the Royal Society of Canada's College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists, and a 2020 "Star in Computer Networking and Communications" by N2Women. Her research interests span several areas in communications and networking, focusing on network protocol and architecture design supporting emerging multimedia traffic and the Internet of Things. She was a recipient of the NSERC Discovery Accelerator Supplement (DAS) Grants in 2010 and 2015, respectively. She has co-founded and chaired the IEEE Victoria Section Vehicular Technology and Communications Joint Societies Chapter. She is an elected member of the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society (VTS) Board of Governors (2019 - 2024). She is the Associate Editor-in-Chief for IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology and has served as the Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE VTS Society and IEEE ComSoc Society.

Biological Layer for 6G/B6G: Einstein, Reynolds, and Communications

Nano-molecular communication represents, in terms of its scale and energy consumption, a very powerful future communication system. Though nano communication can also be realised with electromagnetic waves, as in traditional communication systems, such means still pose several problems, such as the development of nano-scale actuator, antennas, or body absorption of tera-Hertz band frequency. Nano-molecular, or molecular communication, however, can utilise intra-body biomolecules that enable a great deal of various applications. As research into this field has been underway for less than a decade, it calls for fundamental intellectual challenges through preliminary studies.

In this talk, we will introduce the contributions of Einstein and Reynolds and explain how they contribute for communications, especially for a biological layer of 6G/B6G.

Professor Chan-Byoung Chae

IEEE Fellow,
Underwood Distinguished Professor in the School of Integrated Technology, Yonsei University

Chan-Byoung Chae is an Underwood Distinguished Professor in the School of Integrated Technology, Yonsei University, Korea. He was with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Stanford University, CA, USA as a Visiting Associate Professor in 2017. He was a Member of Technical Staff (Research Scientist) at Bell Laboratories, Alcatel-Lucent, Murray Hill, NJ, USA from June 2009 to Feb 2011. Before joining Bell Laboratories, he was with the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences at Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA as a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow. He received the Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from The University of Texas (UT), Austin, TX, USA in 2008.

He is now an Editor-in-Chief of the the IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological, and Multi-scale Communications. He has served/serves as an Editor for the IEEE Communications Magazine (2016-present), the IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (2012-2017), the IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological, and Multi-scale Comm. (2015-present), the IEEE Wireless Communications Letters (2016-present), the IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid (2010-2011), the IEEE ComSoc Technology News (2014), and the IEEE/KICS Journal of Communications and Networks (2012-present). He has been a Guest Editor for the IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (special issue on molecular, biological, and multi-scale communications) 2014-2015 and the IEEE Access (special section on molecular communication networks). He is an IEEE Distinguished Lecturer (ComSoc) and an IEEE Fellow.

Chan-Byoung was the recipient/co-recipient of the IEEE WCNC Best Demo Award in 2020, the Best Young Engineer Award from the National Academy of Engineering of Korea (NAEK) in 2019, the IEEE DySPAN Best Demo Award in 2018, the IEEE/KICS Journal of Communications Networks Best Paper Award in 2018, the IEEE INFOCOM Best Demo Award in 2015, the IEIE/IEEE Joint Award for Young IT Engineer of the Year in 2014, the KICS Haedong Young Scholar Award in 2013, the IEEE Signal Processing Magazine Best Paper Award in 2013, the IEEE ComSoc AP Outstanding Young Researcher Award in 2012, and the IEEE VTS Dan. E. Noble Fellowship Award in 2008.

5G to 6G: Driving Applications, Enabling Technologies, Research and Standardisation

The 5G network, promising to provide enhanced mobile broadband (eMBB), mission-critical internet of things (IoT), and massive IoT, aims to be the digital transformation enabler in all industry sectors. Moving to 2030, the physical world, digital world, and human world will be even more seamlessly connected and interacted, creating brand new experiences in work, leisure, learning, study, and social activities, accelerating the digital transformation in processes and practices in all industry sectors and public services. These will form the core driver for 6G innovation. Drive for sustainability, represented by the Sustainable De­velopment Goals (SDGs) in the United Nations (UN) Agenda 2030 also calls for 6G’s contribution.

In this talk, Sumei will start with a brief review on a few strategic 5G vertical clusters in Singapore, analyse some of the unaddressed gaps from 5G, and discuss the driving needs for 6G technologies. The 6G vision and research initiatives will then be shared. As examples, she will present some selected research in massive ultra-reliability low-latency communications (M-URLLC), joint sensing and communication (JSAC), intelligent and software-defined agile aggregation of licensed and unlicensed spectrums, artificial intelligence-supported system, network, and radio environment. Finally, she will provide an overview of the 6G standardisation frontlines and the roadmap.

Professor Sun Sumei

IEEE Fellow,
Deputy Executive Director (Research), Institute for Infocomm Research, and Professor, Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT)

Sun Sumei (F’16) is a Principal Scientist, Acting Deputy Executive Director (Research), and Head of the Communications and Networks Dept at the Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R), Singapore. She is also holding a joint appointment with the Singapore Institute of Technology, and an adjunct appointment with the National University of Singapore, both as a full professor. Her current research interests are in next-generation wireless communications, joint sensing-communication-computing-control design, and industrial internet of things. She is Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Open Journal of Vehicular Technology, a Distinguished Speaker of the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society (2018 - 2024), a member at large (MAL) with the IEEE Communications Society (2021 - 2023), and a member of the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society Board of Governors (2022 - 2024). She is also the Chairperson of Special 5G Strategy Task Force, Telecommunication Standards Advisory Committee (TSAC) of Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) Singapore, and Chairperson of TASC’s Future Networks Work Group, leading the TSAC’s standard development activities in future networks.

A New RubidiumTM Technology Brings High Stability and Exceptional Spectral Purity

Microwave signal generators are one of the most fundamental and ubiquitous instruments at the disposal of RF engineers. They are used in a wide variety of measurement applications in R&D, test and calibration laboratory environments. Engineers are constantly pushing the envelope in RF technology that have enabled recent advances in radar, automotive and communication systems. In order to test devices, equipment and systems that are on the cutting edge of RF and microwave technology, they need instruments such as signal generators that perform much better than the systems and equipment they are designing.

To address today’s market requirements, Anritsu Company introduces the RubidiumTM series, a new generation of microwave signal generators based on a novel, innovative technology that provides a unique combination of wide frequency coverage, fine resolution, high output power coupled with exceptionally low phase noise and atomic-grade stability.

Dr Alexander Chenakin

Senior IEEE member,
Director, R&D, Anritsu Company

Alexander Chenakin is the Director of R&D at Anritsu Company, Morgan Hill, CA, where he oversees the development of various test-and-measurement instruments. He leads a team of talented engineers and has a proven track record in developing and implementing solutions that deliver results.

Alexander previously held a range of technical and executive positions that include serving as Vice President of Advanced Technologies at Micro Lambda Wireless, Inc. and Vice President of Phase Matrix, a National Instruments company. He is well recognised in the field of frequency synthesis and is referred to as the inventor of QuickSyn® technology. In 2009, he received ARMMS RF & Microwave Society’s best contribution award for his work on fast-switching frequency synthesizers. His work has been duly acknowledged in the 50th anniversary issue of Microwaves & RF, which featured “People Who Made it Happen”.

His professional achievements have been widely presented in trade publications and international conferences. He has written more than 50 technical articles and holds six US patents. In addition, Alexander is the author of an Artech House published textbook about frequency synthesizers.

Alexander is a senior IEEE member and has been recently elected as Chair of the IEEE TC-10 Signal Generation and Frequency Conversion Committee. 


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Keysight Technologies
MediaTek Inc
MPics Innovations
QCT & Intel
Rohde & Schwarz
ST Engineering
United Microelectronics Corporation

Co-sponsorship and supported by:

IEEE Communications Society
International Electronics Manufacturing Initiative