SUTD Launches Eco-City Research and Innovation Centre in Tianjin Eco-City

27 Sep 2024
  • Work on key research projects comprising a smart robotic ceiling inspection system and a carbon-capture system begins

  • Intent is to collaborate with industry partners in China to bring to market SUTD research projects

Smart robots trawling ceilings in search of mice, future-proof architectural models built using sustainable materials as well as chopsticks which can be assembled together with electronic boards to encourage young children to innovate and create – these are just some of the displays that are available at the SUTD Eco-City Research and Innovation Centre (SERIC), which was launched at the Singapore-Tianjin Economic and Trade Council Meeting today by Singapore's Minister for National Development Mr Desmond Lee and Tianjin Mayor Mr Zhang Gong.

SERIC was launched at the Singapore-Tianjin Economic and Trade Council Meeting on 27 September by Singapore's Minister for National Development Mr Desmond Lee and Tianjin Mayor Mr Zhang Gong. (Image credit: SSTEC)

Located in the Tianjin Eco-City, SERIC is a research centre that has been set up in partnership with the China-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City Administrative Committee (ECAC) and the Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City Investment and Development Co., Ltd (SSTEC) under the auspices of the Tianjin Eco-City project, to drive sustainable urban development solutions in support of the Eco-City's vision of a greener future.
On display at the 600 sq m centre are sustainable built environment displays focused on bio-inspired design, architecture that will revolutionise the future of construction as well as AI-powered robotics. Featured exhibits include soft robots inspired by the flexible bodies of stingrays developed by integrating innovative materials, as well as architectural wonders that blend with nature.

Minister for National Development Mr Desmond Lee visiting the exhibits at SERIC. (Image credit: SSTEC)

More than just an exhibition of groundbreaking research, SERIC will also explore joint programmes for research development, education and training and enterprise development between Singapore and Tianjin.

In particular, it will embark on two key research projects – the deployment of robots for the periodic inspection of false ceilings and a carbon-capture research project that aims to reduce atmospheric emissions significantly.

Falcon X, an advanced autonomous false ceiling inspection robot is showcased as one of the featured exhibits. It is part of Falcon+, a series of high-performance robots.

The first project aims to use high-performance robots (Falcon+) to inspect false ceilings for structural defects, signs of degradation in Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems, electrical wire damage, as well as pest infestation. Affectionately nicknamed the "mouse-catcher", Falcon+ replaces humans who have had to perform this tedious, dirty and dangerous task. The robots, which are equipped with advanced onboard sensors such as cameras, optical sensors, and other detectors that enable the robots to navigate, inspect, and identify issues autonomously, can be deployed inside false ceilings to detect water leakages and internal structural damages, and also on external façade to detect the bulging of false ceiling panels, improving safety and efficiency. SUTD aims to leverage successful deployment of these robots in Singapore and identify and collaborate with its partners in Tianjin Eco-City to scale them to market in China.

The second project involves performing real-world tests of SUTD's Smart Decarboniser System (SDS) in building air handling units in Tianjin Eco-City. The SDS comes with proprietary DAC (Direct Air Capture) technology that targets high-density urban areas to reduce urban atmospheric emissions. Unlike common methods focused on capturing carbon emissions from specific industrial sources, DAC systems extract carbon dioxide directly from the air, which opens up opportunities for deployment at a wider range of carbon sources such as public spaces.

SUTD delegation with SSTEC and SERIC staff, and SUTD interns at SERIC. (Image credit: SSTEC)

On these two research projects, SUTD President, Professor Phoon Kok Kwang, who is in Tianjin for the launch of SERIC, said: "Research and innovation are vital to the pursuit of a sustainable future. At SUTD, we use design powered by AI and tech to look at existing challenges faced by communities to find sustainable and actionable solutions. We are grateful to SSTEC and ECAC for enabling SERIC as a novel public, private, academia platform to scale prototypes to products. We have been working closely with enterprise to bring these two solutions – Falcon+ and Carbon Capture – from the lab to the market in Parcel D, SUTD. With the launch of SERIC, we are building the first bridge between Parcel D and SERIC to connect talents and enterprise in China to join us in refining and optimising these technologies for the Tianjin Eco-City and beyond, with the aim of advancing their commercial viability and community well-being in the years to come."

Mr Teo Eng Cheong, CEO of SSTEC, said: "The opening of SERIC marks a new chapter. The initiation of the two research projects will strengthen technological exchanges and innovation capabilities between China and Singapore. We will continue to collaborate with SUTD and ECAC, deepen exchanges with domestic and international research institutions to further enhance our research and innovation capabilities, attract and nurture more high-quality projects and talent in the low carbon and smart technology sectors. We aim to transform the Eco-City into a 'living lab' for the innovation and development of green and low carbon technologies, further accelerating the creation of a low carbon circular economy in the Eco-City."

SERIC was set up with the aim to nurture talents and co-innovate solutions for sustainable and low-carbon development, in partnership with the government, academia and industry players in Singapore and China. Just last month, the first SERIC scholarship was awarded to an 18-year-old student from Tianjin Eco-City School that is affiliated to Beijing Normal University. He has just started his four-year undergraduate studies at SUTD and will return to Tianjin Eco-City when he graduates to work or start a business.
Speaking at the launch of SERIC, Minister Lee, who co-chairs the Singapore-Tianjin Economic and Trade Council, and the Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City Joint Working Committee, said: "The opening of SERIC lays the groundwork to further strengthen Tianjin Eco-City as a 'living lab' for net-zero innovation. This contributes to our countries' effort to facilitate the development of the Eco-City as an upgraded National Green Development Demonstration Zone in its next bound, as announced at the last Joint Council for Bilateral Cooperation. I look forward to seeing SERIC bring together our talent from both sides for mutual learning and exchanges."

About Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City Investment and Development Co., Ltd

Founded in July 2009, the Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City Investment and Development Co., Ltd. (SSTEC) is the master developer of the Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City (the Eco-City). It is a 50-50 joint venture between a Singapore Consortium led by Keppel and a Chinese Consortium led by Tianjin Infrastructure Investment Group.

The Eco-City is a flagship bilateral project between the governments of China and Singapore. To meet the needs of an urbanising China, the Eco-City, which is located in the Tianjin Binhai New Area (45 km away from Tianjin city centre), will be developed into a beautiful and sustainable coastal city that people enjoy living, working and traveling in.

For more information about SSTEC, please visit: