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    Arlindo Silva Associate Professor & Program Director for Master’s of Innovation by Design (MIbD) Engineering Product Development (EPD) Material Science, Design Science, Mechanical Engineering, Rapid Prototyping, Advanced Materials, Additive Manufacturing, Aerospace, Composite Materials, Design Theory and Methodology, Digital Design, Ideation, Materials and Technology Selection, Natural Materials, Digital Fabrication, Sustainable Design
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    Michel Sim Teaching Assistant Architecture and Sustainable Design (ASD)
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    Gim Song Soh Associate Professor and Director of Education Engineering Product Development (EPD) Mechanical Engineering, Human-Machine Interfaces, Robotics, Automation and Control
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    De Wen Soh Assistant Professor Information Systems Technology and Design (ISTD) 5G / 6G, Advanced Connectivity, Artificial Intelligence / AI, Artificial and Augmented Intelligence, Autonomous Vehicles, Big Data, Blockchain, Communications and Connectivity, Computation, Computing, Data Provenance, Data Science, Deep Learning, Digital Economy, Digitalisation, Distributed Ledger Technologies, Edge Intelligence and Computing, Energy Efficient Data Centres, Evolutionary Computing, Federated Learning, Financial Data Analytics, Human-Machine Interfaces, Robotics, Automation and Control, Infocomm Applications, Internet of Things / IOT, Machine Learning, Networked and Autonomous Systems, Networks, Optimisation, Robotics, Sensors, Smart Grids, Smart Nation, Surveillance Robotics, Telecommunication Systems, Wireless Networks
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    Qun Song Assistant Professor Information Systems Technology and Design (ISTD) 5G / 6G, Advanced Connectivity, Artificial and Augmented Intelligence, Autonomous Vehicles, Blockchain, Communications and Connectivity, Computation, Computing, Deep Learning, Digital Economy, Digitalisation, Distributed Ledger Technologies, Edge Intelligence and Computing, Energy Efficient Data Centres, Evolutionary Computing, Federated Learning, Human-Machine Interfaces, Robotics, Automation and Control, Infocomm Applications, Internet of Things / IOT, Machine Learning, Networked and Autonomous Systems, Networks, Optimisation, Robotics, Sensors, Smart Grids, Smart Nation, Surveillance Robotics, Telecommunication Systems, Wireless Networks
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    Douglas Cunningham Spencer Adjunct Associate Professor Architecture and Sustainable Design (ASD)
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    Douglas Rolph Streeter Senior Lecturer Engineering Systems and Design (ESD) Optimisation & Decision Science, Dynamical Systems, Financial Services
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    Mengyang Su Lecturer Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (HASS) Social Sciences
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    Zeyu Sun Lecturer Engineering Systems and Design (ESD) Data Science & Analytics, Optimisation & Decision Science, Supply Chain & Service Operations
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    Zhu Sun Assistant Professor Information Systems Technology and Design (ISTD) Artificial and Augmented Intelligence, Big Data, Blockchain, Computation, Computing, Data Provenance, Data Science, Deep Learning, Digital Economy, Digitalisation, Distributed Ledger Technologies, Evolutionary Computing, Federated Learning, Financial Data Analytics, Infocomm Applications, Internet of Things / IOT, Machine Learning, Optimisation, Smart Nation
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    Aoran Alex Sun Adjunct Assistant Professor Architecture and Sustainable Design (ASD)
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    Lee Siang Tai Deputy President, Head of Pillar, Architecture and Sustainable Design, Centre Director, DesignZ, and Programme Director, Design and Artificial Intelligence Architecture and Sustainable Design (ASD) Architectural Conservation, Sustainable Design Science, Architectural Design, Urban Planning, Architectural Conservation, Sustainable Design Science, Architectural Design, Urban Planning