Deepfakes, nudes and the threat to national security 13 Dec 2019 While it seems like a bit of entertaining video wizardry, deepfakes can make people say things they never did in real life and influence... Researchers consider the complexities of bioprinting multicellular tissues 11 Dec 2019 3-D bioprinting is a highly-advanced manufacturing platform that allows for the printing of tissue, and eventually vital organs, from... The Big Read: What ‘OK boomer’ reveals about the divide between S’pore millennials and their elders 07 Dec 2019 Generation gaps have existed since time immemorial. But the chasm between millennials and baby boomers has come under the spotlight, and taken a new twist... Food for Thought - Rethinking our Hawker Centres 05 Dec 2019 “In Singapore, a hawker centre is the place where food is celebrated within communities. This makes it an interesting subject of study for us. We felt that it could be explored further to make it more relevant in the future... News analysis: Fake-news laws — what do the first two cases tell us? 05 Dec 2019 SINGAPORE — Less than two months after Singapore’s fake-news law kicked in, it was invoked twice in four days last week. The law was... Research sets the groundwork for patient-specific 3-D printed meniscus 03 Dec 2019 The human knee joint is the largest and most complex joint in the body. It has combines hard and soft tissue elements to provide stability... Illuminating the path for super-resolution imaging with improved rhodamine dyes 03 Dec 2019 In recent years, there has been a rapid evolution of advanced fluorescence imaging techniques such as single-molecule localization... In using AI, let's be wary of artificial stupidity 01 Dec 2019 Do you remember Sim City? It is a computer game introduced in the late 1980s where the player is the mayor of a new city. The objective is... Conservation of two old buildings in Bukit Timah welcomed 27 Nov 2019 Much of Bukit Timah's old kampung landscape has disappeared over the years as luxury properties sprang up in the area, so news that two of... prev 1 2 3 4 ... 27 28 next