Data Science Introduction
Data Science is one of the hottest topics across industries, understanding what data is and its applications is vital to businesses looking to understand, predict and evaluate business decisions. Be acquainted with the world of Data Science as you immerse yourself through the workflow of Data Science and its Pipeline, even by converting a simple office tool like Excel you can harness its capability and leverage on its potential to embark on your own Data Science Mini Expedition.
Stakeholder Analysis
Often the process of identifying the crucial people before embarking Data Science project is essential. These people may influence or are indirectly impacted by your project downstream. It requires grouping them according to the various paradigm of stakeholders based on various participation levels, interest and influence.
Data Discovery
The collection and analysis of data from various sources to gain insight from hidden pattern and trends, which is a crucial step for critical business decision.
Data Wrangling
Data comes in all shapes and sizes, they can be unstructured or structured and come from all venues. Data Wrangling helps with "cleaning" or mapping of the raw data into more meaningful formats that can then be translated into more valuable data for the consumption of analytics purposes.
Data Modelling
Companies have benefited from leveraging upon the Data Science Models and Algorithms to make a critical business decision. This has upped the maturity of analytics capabilities to greater heights and has placed organisation at a greater advantage compared to the competitors, who are still in its infancy phase or the standard reporting stages. By positioning an organisation towards a more mature analytics phase have not only allowed the companies to reap immense growth and opportunities against its competitor, but also change the way we perceived the Data Science Modelling and Algorithm. This has led to various breakthrough and advancements away from the traditional algorithm approach such as the use of Deep Learning algorithm to fulfil a complex task and exemplifying the way we think about the traditional statistics.