Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Whatsapp GovTech Outstanding Sophomore Student Award The GovTech Outstanding Sophomore Student Award seeks to motivate outstanding students who are studying under the Information Systems Technology and Design (ISTD) pillar. Eligibility Strong academic performance in the modules offered under the Information Systems Technology and Design (ISTD) pillar. Benefits of award A cash prize of S$3,000. Tenure The award will be given to the most outstanding sophomore in the ISTD Pillar at the end of Term 4, and the selection of the recipient will be made by the Head of Pillar at ISTD. THIS AWARD IS MADE POSSIBLE BY: GovTech is the lead agency driving Singapore’s Smart Nation initiatives and public sector digital transformation. As the Centre of Excellence for Infocomm Technology and Smart Systems (ICT and SS), GovTech develops the Singapore Government’s capabilities in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, Application Development, Cybersecurity, Digital Infrastructure, and Smart City Technology.