SUTD and Building and Construction Authority (BCA) Collaborate on New Training Programme to Promote Innovation in the Built Environment Sector 30 May 2019 The Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) collaborates with the Building and Construction Authority (BCA) on a new training programme and system to promote leadership and innovation in the built environment sector. 建筑业新培训框架助年轻人才加强领导能力 30 May 2019 有领导潜质的建筑业年轻人才和建筑业领袖将有更多机会接受培训,透过不同方式加强领导才能,以更好地带领各自企业扩大国内外发展,并加强业内人士之间的合作,进一步推动建筑业转型。 政府与业者和大学合作培育更多年轻领导人才 29 May 2019 建设局与建筑业者和本地大学合作推出新培训框架,让有潜质的建筑业年轻人才透过不同方式强化领导才能,以更好地带领各自企业扩大国内外发展并加强彼此间的合作。 国家发展部兼人力部政务部长扎吉哈昨天在建设局2019年颁奖礼上透露了上述讯息。... A mark of success: ST highlights three eco-friendly winners of the SG Mark 25 May 2019 The karung guni trade is often thought to be a dying one, but an app that enables rag-and-bone men to zoom in on old newspapers waiting to be collected may be the way forward. Improving Security with Upconversion 22 May 2019 Scientists from the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) report a new platform for optical security printing that uses... Japan wants its leader called Abe Shinzo – surname first. What does this have to do with colonialism and ‘unenlightened Westerners’? 22 May 2019 Experts say the request is consistent with Abe’s nationalist views, while others point to Tokyo no longer wanting to provide cultural... Unmanned helicopter uses: From shooting popular films to maritime surveillance 16 May 2019 SINGAPORE - Since its founding in 1988, unmanned helicopter manufacturer Flying-Cam has been involved in the shooting of about 500 feature... 从爱好乐理发掘众筹桌游的商机 14 May 2019 如果说,创业一定需要某种能力的话,他们相信,那就是学习去学习。 新加坡科技设计大学的伍健豪与两名好友共同开发乐理桌游“和弦王”,这款游戏不仅引起音乐爱好者的关注,也成功在众筹平台筹得30万元。三人决定暂时停学,全心全意投入“和弦王”的营销上。... 议员母女心连心 把爱说出来 12 May 2019 "我想这也是为何我希望可利用所长与研究去促进讨论、改进社会。" prev 1 2 ... 16 17 18 19 20 ... 27 28 next